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[Fab-user] Copy file issue

From: Steve Steiner
Subject: [Fab-user] Copy file issue
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 13:41:27 -0400

Last night, way past my bedtime, I was trying to copy a file up using put().

[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] put: ./filename -> /root/.ssh/filename

Fatal error: put() encountered an exception while uploading './filename'

Underlying exception message:
    No such file


The actual error is that the directory /root/.ssh did not exist on the target system. A missing local file is handled by a raise in operations.py on line 275 and that exception's not caught.

So, my question is, what is the best way to handle both of these things?

I think the exception on a missing local file should be caught in case we're running in --warn-only, right?

The message "No such file" doesn't really capture the essence of what happened but I'm not sure of where and by whom it's generated so it can be smartened up.

I'm less up on the fabric guts than I will be soon so if someone wants to point me in the right direction, I'll take a stab at making this more consistent with the "right" behaviour; once I know what that is, and have a hint as to where to find it.



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