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Re: [Fab-user] Detach grinder java process in fab.

From: pat flaherty
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] Detach grinder java process in fab.
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 23:52:55 -0700
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Thanks Jan - this looks quite useful.  The Fabric faq did mention daemonizing the process to be detached and this gives me an easy way to do that.


On 8/24/2011 11:20 PM, Jan Vlčinský (CAD) wrote:
I would try zdaemon script, http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zdaemon/2.0.4
I use it to turn my python scripts into services on Linux and like the comfort of
  1. creation of start/stop/status/showrelog/restart script in just a few lines
  2. direct command like "mydeamonizedscript start"
  3. interactive console to do all the actions
  4. option to check content of the running log file.
For your use case, I would check, what is returned result code and set zdaemon so that it does not restart the script, if it returns expected status code.

Ing. Jan Vlčinský
CAD programy
Slunečnicová 338/3, 734 01 Karviná Ráj, Czech Republic
tel: +420-597 602 024; mob: +420-608 979 040
skype: janvlcinsky; GoogleTalk: address@hidden

On 25 August 2011 05:31, pat flaherty <address@hidden> wrote:

I'm using fabric to populate eucalyptus instances in a private cloud with company 'client' programs (that then communicate back to my server) - and hopefully the last thing fabric does before detaching is startup one of these client programs.  However it needs to leave the remote client process detached and running as fab exits.

I'd solved an earlier fab detach process problem with

run('... command ...',pty=False)

for a tomcat app server and this worked fine.

This time I have to leave detached a 'grinder' agent process:


The grinder is test automation software.

In particular this is the (grinder) command I want to issue as the last statement in my fab routine before fab detaches and exits:

java net.grinder.Grinder

you run this in a particular directory (use 'with cd' in fabric) with files configged in certain and the agent/client program attaches itself to the grinder console (remotely) and you control the running  of multiple agents of the same kind from the grinder console.

Anyway, this process won't detach.  pyt=False doesn't work and I also tried the solutions from here:


which include pty=False in addition to such things as this:

run("nohup yes >& /dev/null < /dev/null &")

but so far, no luck.

Any ideas welcome.


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