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Re: [Fab-user] fabric cannot get root readonly directory with sudo

From: cruxpot
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] fabric cannot get root readonly directory with sudo
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 23:59:27 -0600

You guys who have developed fabric have done an outstanding job. I love the library and it has greatly improved automating important operations. Hope 2.0 is released in the near future. I am looking forward to it.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Robin Kåveland Hansen <address@hidden> wrote:
I don’t know when 2.0 hits the street — bitprophet (the maintainer) is currently focusing on making invoke ready to support fabric 2.0.

Kind regards,
Robin Kåveland Hansen

On Wednesday 10 February 2016 at 16:11, cruxpot wrote:

Thanks for confirming. I will proceed with a workaround. Do you have an expected 2.0 release date?

On Feb 10, 2016 1:37 AM, "Robin Kåveland Hansen" <address@hidden> wrote:
I’m pretty sure this must be a bug, yeah. I looked quickly over the code, it looks like the glob is causing a `listdir` call to be run without sufficient priveleges which is probably why you’re getting the permission denied. I’d guess this is also what happens when you try to `get` the directory itself (this is swallowed by fabric inside a `ftp.walk` function).

I’ll comment what I found on your github issue. For now, I suggest you try the workaround as I don’t know when this can be investigated further in fabric.

On 9 February 2016 at 21:34:41, cruxpot (address@hidden) wrote:

This is with fabric 1.10.2-1 on a debian linux platform. When I do a get operation a sudo user with root privs, I can get a single file that is root read-only such as /etc/shadow. I can also get world-readable directories that are world readable. However, if I try to retrieve an entire directory that is root read-only, I get a null result returned from get.

Here is the line of code that causes the issue. I have tried this with both temp_dir set to a /tmp/subdir and not setting temp_dir at all.

getresult = get(remote_path=self.getfile, local_path=os.path.join(self.output_path, subdir), use_sudo=True, temp_dir=self.dirname)

localpath: './folder' , remotepath: '/root', temp_dir: '/tmp/DkoK8aMM'

returned getresult value: '[]'

If I retrieve folder /root/* with the glob instead, I get this error:
Fatal error: get() encountered an exception while downloading '/root/*'

Underlying exception:
Permission denied

This only happens on root read-only directories and I am positive my sudo is set up correctly as I can run remote commands such as 'id' and I see it is as root. user is in the wheel group. and like I said I can get root read-only single files without an issue; only directories are problematic. 

Is this a bug? I suppose I could do a workaround by copying files manually to a tmp directory and then doing a chown and getting them but I thought the temp_dir option was supposed to do this for me.

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Vennlig hilsen,
Robin Kåveland Hansen

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