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[Fab-user] New to fabric 2. Using groups with Connection?

From: Christian MacNevin
Subject: [Fab-user] New to fabric 2. Using groups with Connection?
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 22:45:16 +0000

Hi all,

I’m new to Fabric 2, though in the past I’d used 1 a lot. I can find docs on using SerialGroup, but only with run directly. I’m using interactive mode authentication, so it seems like I need to gather a password (that’s fine, I’m doing it via getpass) and also pass kwargs into Connection.  I have a large list of hosts, and also was planning to use @task decorators.


What I have right now is a muddle between the two which obviously won’t work, but I can’t figure out how to glue the three
concepts of having a defined group, a task which can be specified from the cli, and an interactive user/pass sequence together.



import getpass

from fabric import Connection, group

from invoke import task


switch_group = group.SerialGroup(switch1', 'switch2', 'switch3')


pw = getpass.getpass("Password for netuser?")



def inventory(c):    ß This is purely here because tasks will error out if a kwarg ‘Context(..?)’ isn’t specified

    with Connection(user = 'user', connect_kwargs = {'password' : pw }) as c:

        switch_group.run('show chassis hardware')


It’s failing out with ’TypeError: __init__() takes at least 2 arguments (3 given)’



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