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[femlisp-user] Femlisp-0.9.4

From: Nicolas Neuss
Subject: [femlisp-user] Femlisp-0.9.4
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 16:29:01 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


a new Femlisp version is available.  Changes:

* From Femlisp-0.9.3 to Femlisp-0.9.4:

Saving a Femlisp executable using the foreign code works along the lines
pointed out by Eric Marsden in an article for cmucl-help at 18.9.2003.

Interfaces to the sparse direct solvers SuperLU and UMFPACK are available
as shared libraries generated in @path{femlisp;interface}.  Direct solving
is then also the default solving method for moderate number of unknowns.

Preliminary support for solving time-dependent problems by the Rothe method
has been incorporated.  At the moment, only an implicit Euler method is

Changed @var{manifold-dimension} to @var{embedded-dimension}.

An interface to the 2D mesh generator @program{Triangle} by J. R. Shewchuk
has been integrated.

Routines for solving eigenvalue problems by a Wielandt iteration have been
incorporated, see the files @file{problem;evp.lisp},
@file{iteration;evpsolve.lisp}, @file{strategy;fe-evp.lisp}, and

Changed the communication with the graphics programs @code{DX} and
@code{Gnuplot}.  Data is written into files @file{output.dx} and
@file{output.gnuplot}.  After these files have been read, they are moved to
backup files from within the graphics program.  Femlisp waits until this
has been done, before a new graphic is written out.

Nicolas Neuss.

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