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[femlisp-user] Femlisp-0-9-9

From: Nicolas Neuss
Subject: [femlisp-user] Femlisp-0-9-9
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:59:49 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)


Femlisp-0-9-9 is now available.  Below is the relevant excerpt from the



* From Femlisp-0.9.8 to Femlisp-0.9.9:

@class{<tensorial>} was renamed to @class{<product-cell>},
@function{ensure-tensorial} to @function{ensure-simplex-product}, and
@function{tensorial-domain} to @function{simplex-product-domain}.

Vector plotting has been implemented.  Multi-component solutions are
plotted by default with vectors.

I could get rid of spurious black lines in the solution plots by switching
to hardware rendering in DX (a tip from the DX forum).  Unfortunately, this
caused system breakdown in several circumstances.  Thus, I consider it too
fragile to be on by default.  It can be activated with @code{(setq
fl.graphic::*dx-bug-workaround* t)}.

Memoization was improved, which became necessary especially for allowing
multiple parallel threads.  Now there is a combination of a macro
@macro{with-memoization} and an internal macro @macro{memoizing-let} which
allows for more flexibility and improves also the error reporting (use
@lisp{(dbg-on :memoize)}).

The shell scripts in @path{femlisp/bin} now call @path{/bin/bash} instead
of @path{/bin/sh}.  This distinction was necessary on Solaris.

A problem definition and fe discretization for quite general quasilinear
elliptic systems was introduced.  Elasticity and
convection-diffusion-reaction systems appear as special cases now.

There is some SMP support now in @path{basic/multiprocessing.lisp}.  It can
be used to split assembly work between several threads (see the use of the
WITH-WORKERS macro in @path{discretization/fedisc.lisp}).  Because solving
is not yet distributed, it does not reduce overall computational times very

In contrast to SuperLU, the current version of UMFPACK can't handle
multiple right-hand sides with one call.  In this case, the LR system is
now solved multiple times in @path{interface/umfpack.c}.

Femlisp has been ported to Windows using Allegro CL.  Many thanks go to
Franz Inc. for providing me with an evaluation license of Allegro for this

The communication of Femlisp with the external graphics engines DX and
Gnuplot was changed.  It should be much more rubust now.

Corrected a bug in @function{print-matrix} (a non-standard use of LOOP).

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