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[ff3d-users] Version 1.0pre6 released

From: Stephane Del Pino
Subject: [ff3d-users] Version 1.0pre6 released
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 00:29:57 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Dear ff3d's,

Version 1.0-pre6 has been released today.It comes with a collection of bug 
fixes and some new features.

Here comes a summary of what changed.

Bugs fixed in 1.0pre6:
* closed Bugs (see http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=ff3d)
  #8650: "natural convection example crashes".
          This particular crash is fixed. This does not mean the
          surface mesh generator is bug free...
* fixed log function name thanks to the report of Matthieu Guillon.
* fixed positive vectorial operators thanks to the report of Luigi
* Surface generator seems to be more stable (see below).
* Fixed all examples. It was quite a mess: some none symetric linear
  systems were "solved" using conjugate gradient, for instance :-(

New in 1.0pre6:
* Surface mesh generator now uses only tetrahedra mesh. It seems to be
  more stable :-) but even slower :-( This comes from some
  connectivity constructions that are performed only once.
* As suggested by Lawrence R. Frank, a 'plot(u,M)' instruction was
  added to allow plotting of solution using VTKDriver. This allows VTK
  hackers to proceed their own visualization editing only the
  'graphics/VTKDriver.cpp' file. The implemented code is sill just a
* Added a new tetrahedrization tool. This uses a domain and a
  background mesh, an extracts the relevant cells, ie: the one that
  carry degrees of freedom. This is intended to be used for
  visualization only, but is very important in the fictitious domain
  context, since visualizing the solution on the full mesh
  (background) is very difficult: null values will be plotted for none
  degrees of freedom vertices, so for instance, if the solution lives
  between 100 and 101 the visualization scale will be [0-101]. You
  will think that the solution is neer to a constant.
  Using the new visualization mesh, the visualization will not be
  perturbed by unrelevant 0 values. Here comes an example of use
  (let us assume that "m" is a background mesh, "D" a domain, and
  "u" the solution of some "solve (u) in D by M" statement):
        mesh V = tetrahedrize(D,M); // <- new
  and that's all! You can also use the new
  instruction just to get a quick idea of the solution.

To get the sources proceed as follow:
- cvs users:
  Getting 1.0pre6 release:
    cvs update -r v1-0pre6
  To keep in touch with the cvs tree use more likely
    cvs update -A
- getting tarballs, check the following url:
- windows binaries are available at

Best regards,

Stéphane Del Pino          Tel: (33)144277170 - Fax: (33)144277200
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions - Université Pierre et Marie Curie

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