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Re: [ff3d-users] Strange error during execution

From: Emilio Melero García
Subject: Re: [ff3d-users] Strange error during execution
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:54:06 +0100

Dear Stephane,

Thanks for your reply. Let us know when will you release those changes you mention (the ofstream to write text to data files and the mesh refinement...) It would be very nice. Thanks in advance for all your work!!!.

Now i would like to make a petition if possible. Unfortunately i am behind quite a strict firewall and can not access the latest source of ff3d to compile it. I am stuck with version 1pre7. Can anyone please send me the source files, or if there are some caritative soul out there riding an intel mac a compiled binary?. I would be much obliged. Please send it to address@hidden.

As soon as i find a little time i will explore this option that Stephane mention about interfacing with gmesh or other mesher. I will let you know of the advances.

Best regards and thank you again Stephan


2007/1/7, Stephane Del Pino <address@hidden>:
Le mercredi 3 janvier 2007 12:09, Emilio Melero García a écrit:
> Dear Stephane,

Dear Emilio,
Happy new year.

> (apart from that memory leak i had with the code, which i have thought
> maybe it is because "merge" and "union" may have some difference at the
> end¿?¿?, i will try to check into that).
Yes. It seems to me that this memory leak occurs with the merge. Do not worry
anymore with this, I will try to fix it soon...

> However, for the future [...]
> I was wondering about interfacing with other more flexible mesh generators,
> or reading files created with other CAD tools. How are the capabilities of
> ff3d in this area?
This is indeed possible.
1) ff3d can read tetrahedra meshes generated by external tools. It reads
meshes at the INRIA 'mesh' format or for instance at the 'gmsh' format
(http://geuz.org/gmsh/ ). Maybe you could have a look to tetgen and netgen
2) I have written the 'ofstream' that you needed to write data into text
3) one can execute commands within ff3d

So, if the geometry is defined with a text file, your ff3d command file can
- generate it
- launch the external mesher
- reread the mesh

I think that this should work...

In fact I have to check that everything works since mesh refinement has not
yet been tested... The problem is that ff3d's variable life time is not
local: thus a fem function declaration should change if the mesh changes.
This change might not be too tricky to code, I will have a look...

Best regards,

ff3d-users mailing list

Dr. Emilio Melero García
Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalográficos, IACT
Instituto de parasitología Lopez Neyra,
P.T. Ciencias de la Salud, E-18100 Armilla,
Granada, España

Correo elec. :emilio_arroba_lec_._csic_._es
Tfno: 958181621, lab 107
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