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Re: [Fle3-users] Using links in course context

From: David Wiley
Subject: Re: [Fle3-users] Using links in course context
Date: Tue Aug 6 15:16:02 2002
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.1a) Gecko/20020611

Actually, as I played around with Fle3 I figured out a way around this... create each link within a reply. This works for my current pedagogical take, and will actually have the benefit of structuring the discussion better than if I had just been able to lump all the links into the course description. If you want to check it out, see


I'm still working on it, but you'll get the idea. Did I mention that Fle3 rocks? Thanks guys.

We'll be turning out a new knowledge type from USU soon, based on Laurie Nelson's theory of Collaborative Problem Solving. Is there a central repository to send this to? Or where I can download types other folks have created?

If you do add tags, I would recommend <i>, <b>, <a>, <br>, <ul>, <li>, and <blockquote> anyway. I'm a perl/apache guy myself, or I just would get under the hood and do it. Ahhh, another environment to learn. Shouldn't be too bad once I actually get my course setup and have some time to learn zope and python!


Teemu Leinonen wrote:


address@hidden wrote:

Putting HTML in the form gives me an error:

Fle3 is quite paranoid about HTML tags in forms

So currently there is no way to include HTML in course or course context
descriptions. But if there are no objections, I'll change Fle3 to accept
at least some basic tags like <a> and <b> in description fields.

Is there some good reason why we have been so "paranoid" about the HTML tags? Is there some security issues?

I think there should be a possibility to include <a> tag to the course description and course context. Janne, is <b> tag even HTML? :-)

Actually the possibility to include links is really important. Many institutions already have their curriculum and learning materials somewhere in the web and there is no reason to duplicate them inside Fle3. Thank you for raising up this issue.

- Teemu

Teemu Leinonen
Office: + 358 9 756 30 296
GSM: +358 50 351 6796
Media Lab, UIAH Helsinki
Future Learning Environment 3

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