Exception traceback Time 2003/06/17 20:15:22.492 GMT+0930 User Name (User Id) visitor (visitor) Request URL http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/index_html Exception Type TypeError Exception Value get_children() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) Traceback (innermost last): Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 98, in publish Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object Module OFS.DTMLMethod, line 126, in __call__ Module DocumentTemplate.DT_String, line 474, in __call__ Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Let, line 76, in render Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Let, line 76, in render Module DocumentTemplate.DT_In, line 705, in renderwob Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Let, line 76, in render Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Util, line 201, in eval __traceback_info__: REQUEST Module , line 2, in f Module Products.FLE.WebtopLink, line 122, in may_follow_link Module Products.FLE.WebtopLink, line 93, in get_obj_ref Module Products.FLE.Cruft, line 183, in get_object_of_url TypeError: get_children() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) Display traceback as text REQUEST form state_url '9,1course_id1' cookies __ac_name 'visitor' dtpref_cols '90%' dtpref_rows '20' cookieTest '' lazy items SESSION > other L_invalid_input 'Invalid input' L_added_webtop_link 'A link %s "%s" was created on your Webtop. Click OK to return to the previous page.' L_dtmls_reloaded 'DTMLs reloaded' AcceptLanguage BASE6 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/index_html' BASE5 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop' BASE4 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor' BASE3 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users' BASE2 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE' BASE1 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net' L_confirmation 'Confirmation' L_css_reloaded 'Style sheets reloaded' SiteRootPATH '/' L_kilobyte 'kB' wt_bgcolour 'bl' L_searching_wt 'Searching WebTops' L_renaming 'Renaming' L_trash 'Trash' L_dtml_reloaded 'DTML reloaded' L_webtop 'Webtop' L_obj_removed '(link target has been removed)' L_added_proxy 'The course folder of course %s is now visible on your Webtop. Click OK to return to the previous page.' PUBLISHED L_language_name 'English' L_required_field_missing "You didn't fill all the required fields." L_cut 'Cut' L_users_courses 'Courses' L_import 'Import' L_quota_reached 'Operation cannot be performed because you have reached quota limit in your WebtTop. Please remove some objects and try again.' L_submit 'Submit' URL0 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/index_html' L_invalid_names 'The following names are invalid:' L_creating_memo 'Creating memo' L_next 'Next ->' L_error 'Error' L_search_words 'Objects that contain words' L_Course_Management 'Course Management' USER_PREF_LANGUAGES L_description 'Description' L_title_of_link 'Title of the link' L_webtop_link_added 'WebTop link added' L_title_of_folder 'Title of the folder' L_remove 'Remove' L_Type_Management 'Knowledge Type Management' L_select_all 'Select all' L_css_files_reloaded 'Style sheet files reloaded for this object' L_search_title 'Title' L_cancel 'Cancel' L_course 'course' L_rename 'Rename' L_proxy_to_webtop 'Link course folder to WebTop' L_charset_encoding 'iso8859-1' AUTHENTICATED_USER visitor L_viewing_memo 'Viewing memo' L_totals_body '%s new / %s total' AUTHENTICATION_PATH 'Plone' L_megabyte 'MB' L_WebTop 'WebTop' L_delete 'Delete' AcceptCharset L_you_are_in 'You are in:' URL2 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor' URL3 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users' L_type 'Type' URL1 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop' L_adding_folder 'Adding folder' L_edit 'Edit' URL5 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net' L_search_wt 'Search WebTops' L_search_results 'Search results' L_Knowledge_Building 'Knowledge Building' L_importing 'Importing' L_totals_artefacts 'Artefacts' L_search_object 'Object' L_search_owner 'Owner' L_paste 'Paste' L_add_document 'Add document' L_add_folder 'Add folder' L_logout_pre3 'To log out, simply close your browser.' L_search_folder 'Folder' L_invite 'Invite' L_upload_document 'Upload document' L_today 'Today' L_dtmls_files_reloaded 'All DTML files reloaded' L_link_to_webtop 'Create link on WebTop' L_add_link 'Add link' L_restore 'Restore' L_shared_course_folder 'Shared course folder' L_editing_preferences 'Editing preferences' L_previous '<- Previous' L_names_in_use 'The following names are already in use:' L_date 'Date' L_any 'Any' TraversalRequestNameStack [] L_yesterday 'Yesterday' L_Jamming 'Jamming' L_new_search 'New search' L_viewing_search_results 'viewing search results' L_title_of_document 'Title of the document' L_no_file_supplied 'No file supplied.' L_export 'Export' L_show_memo_contents 'Show only memo contents' L_proxy_added 'Course folder added' L_dtml_files_reloaded 'DTML files reloaded for this object' L_name_taken 'Another item already has the name "%s". Please enter another name.' L_information 'User information' L_invalid_url 'Invalid url' L_groupfolder 'course folder' L_invalid_fields 'The following fields have invalid input' URL 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/index_html' L_select_item_first_common 'Select some items first' L_same_names 'You gave the same name for several objects.' L_create_memo 'Create memo' L_logout 'Logout' L_no_item_selected 'No items selected!' L_select_item_first 'Please select at least one item to perform actions other than paste.' L_short_date_format_display 'YYYY-MM-DD' L_search 'Search' L_ok 'Ok' L_empty_trash 'Empty trash' L_give_valid_name 'Please enter a valid name' L_invalid_name 'Invalid name' L_short_date_format '%Y-%m-%d' URL4 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE' SERVER_URL 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net' L_back '< back' L_content 'Contents' L_save 'Save' L_title_of_memo 'Title of the memo' L_warning 'Warning' L_invalid_url_message 'It appears that the URL address you typed is incorrect.
Please check that it begins with http://, ftp://, mailto: or other Internet address protocol you want to use. Please note that you cannot just enter web page addresses like "www.myaddress.org" but that you need to specify the protocol first: "http://www.myaddress.org". If you are not sure about the protocol for your web address, try copying and pasting the full URL from your web browser.' L_timestamp_format '%H:%M %Y-%m-%d' L_quick_submit 'Quick submit' L_add 'Add' VirtualRootPhysicalPath ('', 'Plone') L_totals_notes 'Notes' L_anyone 'Anyone' L_title 'Title' L_document_uploaded 'Document uploaded.' L_url 'URL' L_adding_link 'Adding link' L_editing_memo 'Editing memo' L_copy 'Copy' L_preferences 'Preferences' L_User_Management 'User Management' L_adding_document 'Adding document' L_size 'Size' L_create 'Create' state_url '9,1course_id1' L_quota_reached_title 'Quota limit reached' URL0 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/index_html URL1 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop URL2 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor URL3 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users URL4 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE URL5 http://pda-xp.curdom.net BASE0 http://pda-xp.curdom.net BASE1 http://pda-xp.curdom.net BASE2 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE BASE3 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users BASE4 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor BASE5 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop BASE6 http://pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/index_html environ HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip, deflate' HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL 'no-cache' QUERY_STRING 'state_url=9,1course_id1' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_PORT '80' PATH_INFO '/FLE/fle_users/visitor/webtop/' HTTP_HOST 'pda-xp.curdom.net' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' PATH_TRANSLATED '\\FLE\\fle_users\\visitor\\webtop' HTTP_COOKIE '__ac_name="visitor"; dtpref_rows="20"; dtpref_cols="90%"; cookieTest=; __ac="dmlzaXRvcjp2aXNpdG9y%0A"' SCRIPT_NAME '' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; APCMAG)' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Zope/(Zope 2.6.1 (binary release, python 2.1, win32-x86), python 2.1.3, win32) ZServer/1.1b1' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'en-au' HTTP_ACCEPT 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/pdf, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-gsarcade-launch, */*' REMOTE_ADDR '' HTTP_REFERER 'http://pda-xp.curdom.net/login_form?came_from=http%3A//pda-xp.curdom.net/FLE/redirect_to_webtop&retry=' SERVER_NAME 'pda-xp.CURDOM.NET' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' channel.creation_time 1055846715 CONNECTION_TYPE 'Keep-Alive'