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Re: [Swami-devel] Re: [fluid-dev] FluidSynth 1.0.6 "Music to my ears"

From: Gerald Pye
Subject: Re: [Swami-devel] Re: [fluid-dev] FluidSynth 1.0.6 "Music to my ears"
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:37:38 +0100
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Josh Green wrote:

You could always tune it at the instrument level
and combine it with reference tuning instrument at the preset level, but
thats a pain too.

But probably rather less of a pain than fiddling about with AF generators and bits of wire stuck in phono sockets!!

It usually works fine for me, I connect my external USB keyboard all the
time to the FluidSynth instance running in Swami.  Not sure what could
be causing a problem for you off hand, not that there isn't something
wrong though.

Well - it's probably something dumb at my end. I think that I get in a muddle in two areas: firstly, which driver I should be selecting in Preferences -> FluidSynth (MIDI driver? Default?? etc.); secondly, I'm not sure about which out of 16 possible MIDI channels the keyboard should be sending on for Swami to use it.

Anyway - I'm greatly looking forward to seeing a new 0.9.x version with loops working properly on sample importing!



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