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[fluid-dev] Re: SF2 loader from libInstPatch

From: Miguel Lobo
Subject: [fluid-dev] Re: SF2 loader from libInstPatch
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 17:28:33 +0200

Sorry to wind you up, Josh, as you can imagine it's not my intention at all.  As I've said several times, I'm very thankful to the authors of every OSS project I've used as a starting point now or in the past.  I think my using or modifying their code in ways they may not have intended is just a testament to the usefulness of those OSS projects and to the power of the Open Source philosophy.

That said, I believe I have tried to explain in several occassions my reasons for preferring some programming languages and techniques to others.  Probably my explanations haven't been very good, because the real reasons are derived from many years of experience of passionate interest in software development and aren't easily explained in a few words.

IMNSHO, some ways of developing software are superior (in productivity, maintainability, even aesthetically) to others.  I absolutely accept that other people have different opinions in those matters and wholeheartedly respect that, but in the same way I do believe I'm entitled to my own opinion.  We have all probably seen too many flamewars over software development to know that reasonable people can disagree and it doesn't need to be a tragedy.

About whether I must absolutely have it my way, yes I do.  I'm a volunteer; I do this for fun, first, and as a contribution to the community, second.  I can compromise on some of my technical opinions if I consider it convenient or necessary, but not so far that my OSS work is unpleasant or uninteresting to me; at that point, I just wouldn't do it.  Unfortunately, coding with glib or other forms of OOP C is, for these reasons, out of the question for me.

I appreciate all well-meaning advice about how to make my contribution more useful to the community, but at the same time I think it's important to recognize where that advice should stop.  As volunteers, we all have the right to make our contributions in any way we see fit, and telling us that we must contribute in such-and-such way and condemning other forms of contribution (and the words "vamp off" seem dangerously close to it) is inappropriate.  I already have a real job and a real boss, and this is not it, and noone in the OSS community is him.  I would ask everybody to please remember this.

Finally, as I have also said so many times, I don't intend to offend or insult anyone.  All I intend to do is to create some OSS, have some fun in the process, and release it when I feel it could be useful to others.  Who knows, perhaps the code I write may be useful to you in the future, or I might change my mind and embrace glib and GObject (to be honest, I don't think the latter is too likely ;)).  After all, opinions are there to be changed; otherwise they would be dogma and I'm not interested in that.

I hope we can continue to have a cordial relationship; I harbour no ill feelings against anyone and I appreciate everybody for their contributions, big or small.


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