I'm using fluidsynth as backend for a small app I'm writing. I'm not a good C developer, but I'm trying. :-)
My app uses the simple midi api with direct (alsa) playback, and I'm sending few noteon/noteoff signals.
On my PC this works like a charm, but unfortunately I'm running into problems when I try to get it running on an embedded device (arm9tdmi / armv4t):
As soon I send the events a little faster, or let the playback last longer, it starts sweeping.
I can't tell it for sure, but it seems that this is a problem with the buffers.
I get this warning: "fluidsynth: warning: Requested a period size of 64, got 940 instead"
If I set the period size to 940 manually the warning goes away, but the problem still exists.
Tried some different settings, but I couldn't find the reason.
Do you have any idea what's causing this?
I did a small video to demonstrate the effect, the first tunes are ok, the following very noisy.