/* FluidSynth Sequencer simple arpeggio generator Copyright (C) 2009 Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Compilation: $ gcc -o fluid_arp -lfluidsynth fluid_arp.c */ #include #include #include fluid_synth_t* synth; fluid_audio_driver_t* audiodriver; fluid_sequencer_t* sequencer; short synth_destination, client_destination; unsigned int time_marker; /* duration of the pattern in ticks. */ unsigned int duration = 1440; /* notes of the arpeggio */ unsigned int notes[] = { 60, 64, 67, 72, 76, 79, 84, 79, 76, 72, 67, 64 }; /* number of notes in one pattern */ unsigned int pattern_size; /* prototype */ void sequencer_callback(unsigned int time, fluid_event_t* event, fluid_sequencer_t* seq, void* data); /* schedule a note on message */ void schedule_noteon(int chan, short key, unsigned int ticks) { fluid_event_t* ev = new_fluid_event(); fluid_event_set_source(ev, -1); fluid_event_set_dest(ev, synth_destination); fluid_event_noteon(ev, chan, key, 127); fluid_sequencer_send_at(sequencer, ev, ticks, 1); delete_fluid_event(ev); } /* schedule a note off message */ void schedule_noteoff(int chan, short key, unsigned int ticks) { fluid_event_t* ev = new_fluid_event(); fluid_event_set_source(ev, -1); fluid_event_set_dest(ev, synth_destination); fluid_event_noteoff(ev, chan, key); fluid_sequencer_send_at(sequencer, ev, ticks, 1); delete_fluid_event(ev); } /* schedule a timer event (shall trigger the callback) */ void schedule_timer_event() { fluid_event_t *ev = new_fluid_event(); fluid_event_set_source(ev, -1); fluid_event_set_dest(ev, client_destination); fluid_event_timer(ev, NULL); fluid_sequencer_send_at(sequencer, ev, time_marker, 1); delete_fluid_event(ev); } /* schedule the arpeggio's notes */ void schedule_pattern() { int i, note_time, note_duration; note_time = time_marker; note_duration = duration / pattern_size; for ( i = 0; i < pattern_size; ++i ) { schedule_noteon(0, notes[i], note_time); note_time += note_duration; schedule_noteoff(0, notes[i], note_time); } time_marker += duration; } void sequencer_callback(unsigned int time, fluid_event_t* event, fluid_sequencer_t* seq, void* data) { schedule_timer_event(); schedule_pattern(); } void usage(char* prog_name) { printf("Usage: %s soundfont.sf2 [steps [duration]]\n", prog_name); printf("\t(optional) steps: number of pattern notes, from 2 to %d\n", pattern_size); printf("\t(optional) duration: of the pattern in ticks, default %d\n", duration); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n; fluid_settings_t* settings; settings = new_fluid_settings(); #ifdef __linux__ fluid_settings_setstr(settings, "audio.driver", "alsa"); #endif fluid_settings_setnum(settings, "audio.period-size", 4096); pattern_size = sizeof(notes) / sizeof(int); if (argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); } else { /* create the synth, driver and sequencer instances */ synth = new_fluid_synth(settings); audiodriver = new_fluid_audio_driver(settings, synth); sequencer = new_fluid_sequencer(); /* register the synth with the sequencer */ synth_destination = fluid_sequencer_register_fluidsynth(sequencer, synth); /* register the client name and callback */ client_destination = fluid_sequencer_register_client(sequencer, "arpeggio", sequencer_callback, NULL); /* load a SoundFont */ n = fluid_synth_sfload(synth, argv[1], 1); if ( n != -1 ) { if (argc > 2) { n = atoi(argv[2]); if ((n > 1) && (n <= pattern_size)) pattern_size = n; } if (argc > 3) { n = atoi(argv[3]); if (n > 0) duration = n; } /* get the current time in ticks */ time_marker = fluid_sequencer_get_tick(sequencer); /* schedule patterns */ schedule_pattern(); schedule_timer_event(); schedule_pattern(); /* wait for user input */ printf("press to stop\n"); n = getchar(); } /* clean and exit */ delete_fluid_sequencer(sequencer); delete_fluid_audio_driver(audiodriver); delete_fluid_synth(synth); } delete_fluid_settings(settings); return 0; }