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Re: [fluid-dev] fluid_synth_one_block()'s use of only fx_left_buf and no

From: josh
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] fluid_synth_one_block()'s use of only fx_left_buf and not fx_right_buf
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 00:54:15 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Quoting Stephen Hazel <address@hidden>:
Where did this originally come from?  Was Creative involved at all?
Or did some brainiac actually come up with this?

Just wanted to clarify a couple things. EMU actually created the SoundFont 2.0 standard. Creative Labs did the original 1.0, but it was rather hardware specific. Version 2.0 is more generic, which is a good thing. I think one of the reasons SoundFont files are still popular is because of the open nature of the format.

Anyways, a big thanks to yall!


Thank you for the feedback!


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