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Re: [fluid-dev] Continuous controllers

From: Ben Gonzales
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Continuous controllers
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 16:38:32 +1000
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Note: I get 2 duplicate messages from you. Is it me or you?

Q1: Is the modulator best applied at the Instrument or Preset level?

Q2: I can't find "Initial attenuation" as a destination, only "attenuation" I assume they are different?

Q3: What does the "amount controller" do?


On 23/06/16 16:12, S. Christian Collins wrote:
Yes, "initial attenuation" with the amount "960" (the measurement is in centiBels).


On 06/23/2016 12:37 AM, Ben Gonzales wrote:
Hi Chris.

Aha! You sound like someone who might know what to do... I was in the process of working my way through how to do that particular modulator addition. Using SWAMI I'd figured out the concave unipolar negative curve with CC2 as the source, and figured that it should drive the volume attenuation, but couldn't work out what the amount source controller does. SWAMI appears to give the facility to multiply the source controller by the amount source controller by the amount. But I don't see why you need an amount source controller, or what controller you'd use.

I see also that JJ Ceresa has just put in a patch for legato which mentions the "initial attenuation". That sounds like it would be a good target too.

Can you offer any advice?


On 23/06/16 15:16, S. Christian Collins wrote:
I already responded to your question to the group on this matter. Did you not see it? There is no default modulator in the SoundFont spec for CC #2 (breath controller), so support must be added to the SoundFont preset itself using a modulator (CC#2 to attenuation, 96 dB using concave negative unipolar curve). Either that or use a MIDI routing program to filter all CC #2 messages to CC #11 instead, since the SoundFont spec does feature a default modulator that makes CC #11 control the instrument's volume.


On 06/22/2016 10:52 PM, FenderBenders wrote:
Would it be possible to implement continuous controller #2 (breath control) in fluidsynth.
Sent from Samsung mobile
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