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Re: [fluid-dev] changing audio.period-size

From: Element Green
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] changing audio.period-size
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2016 17:19:13 -0600

Hello Martiniano,

If you're just trying to set a couple of parameters in the FluidSynth command line interface, you could execute "fluidsynth --help".  You'll find there is a "-o" option which allows for setting option values, such as audio.periods and audio.period-size.  Running "fluidsynth -o help" will list all of these options.

For example:
fluidsynth -o audio.periods=4 -o audio.period-size=256

As Hamish mentioned, DirectSound does not perform very well when it comes to low latency.  You may want to look into other supported audio drivers such as Jack Audio Connection Kit (which appears to be available on Windows now) or perhaps PortAudio may have a ASIO driver or something.  I don't have a lot of experience with trying to get low latency out of a Windows system though.

As to running FluidSynth in Audacity, not that I know of.  You can render to audio files with the FluidSynth command line application though and then load them in Audacity.  There are a lot of front ends for FluidSynth too, which are more appropriate for this than an audio editor such as Audacity.

Best regards,


On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Martiniano Neto <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi people,

I've been following the last discussions. I know most anything of programming codes and actually did not understand what has been said. I've tried to visit the listinfo site but it did not help. Is there any file that I can read to know the basics of FluidSynth? One first questions: is it possible to use FluidSynth within Audacity? Anyway, thanks for helping,

Martiniano Neto.  

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 6:40 AM, jean-jacques.ceresa <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Hamish,

The bad new:
>From my experience, (as i am using Windows too), using dsound driver (i assume you are using this  default driver too) it is not possible to get low latency response.
This is inherent to dsound as it require multiples buffers to do its jobs. Anyway the big advantage, it allows multiples independant applications to use the same
audio card at the same time (dsound doing the mix).

At initialization time, fluidsynth driver set this 2 parameters into dsound:
audio.periods, is the numbers of buffers (default 8), i have tried 4 minimum with success.
audio.period-size, is the size of one buffer (default 512), like you, i have tried 256 minimun with success. We cannot compensate with audio.periods as
it function is different.

The good new
Using portaudio driver should enhance seriously latency and problably noteOn scheduling precision.


Le 01/07/2016 09:25, Hamish Moffatt a écrit :
Is there any harm in reducing audio.period-size on Windows? It's a lot bigger by default on Windows than Mac/Linux. Should I increase audio.periods to compensate?

Background: I have my own timing loops and I'm outputting events by calling fluid_synth_noteon/noteoff() just in time (or with fluid_sequencer_send_now()). However it seems that with the default parameters, notes are only scheduled on 20ms boundaries. If I get the time between my noteOn calls from fluid_sequencer_get_tick() it's always a multiple of 20, even though I'm calling it much more accurately than that. Reducing period-size to 256 helps. Is there a disadvantage, and is there a better way?



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