Hi all.
I loaded the changed file, and rebuilt.
The problem is fixed. I tried all presets in legatomode 3 and cc 68
127, both with and without chorus and reverb. The CPU usage climbed
to 30+% while playing (with reverb/chorus) then fell back to 4% when
I stopped playing.
On 07/07/16 04:08, jean-jacques.ceresa
Hi Ben,
Thanks a lot for your contribution you have done a good job.
After looking the result of the compiler you have posted on your
site, I have found
some differences that strike me.
You will find below an new attached file: fluid_synth_mono.c.
Please may you:
1) substitute the one you have: in
/src/synth/fluid_synth_mono.c by the attached new one.
2) rebuild.
3) And tell if the issue is always there ?.
Thanks you very much
Le 06/07/2016 14:37, Ben Gonzales a
écrit :
Hi all.
When I said "are there any tests...?" I didn't expect so many!
Nevertheless, I have completed the tests, and I have put all the
resulting files in:
Also in that directory are the soundfont, and other files I have
referenced in this discussion.
cmakelog.txt is the results of the command <cmake ..>
from the empty build directory
makelog.txt is the results of the command <make> from the
build directory
I think I covered all the variations that you requested. They
are summarised in polymonotests.pdf
ewi.conf is the configuration file I use to start fluidsynth,
and the command line in the batch file is
nice -20 fluidsynth --server --no-shell
--audio-driver=alsa \
-o audio.alsa.device=hw:$CARDNO \
--load-config=$CONFIG --portname="$SYNTHPORT"
&> /home/pi/ewi/scripts/fluidsynth.out &
- The %CPU is taken from the <top> command, and represents
what is used by FluidSynth only. I arriving at the readings, I
had to do a bit of "averaging" in my head, as the % utilisation
fluctuated. I was not running the Xwindows graphical interface -
it was all done via ssh.
- each test was done with a fresh instance of fluidsynth
- the ewi.conf file is a "snapshot" of one of its possible
states - it gets changed depending on what options are selected.
- I tested all the presets in the soundfont. The tenor sax
displays the worst effects on the CPU, the clarinet displays the
- The test with 24 notes was the test I did to see how far I
could go before getting audio distortion as a result of high CPU
On 06/07/16 19:17,
jean-jacques.ceresa wrote:
Hi Ben,
>Is there any test I could run on the Pi....
While i'm preparing my RPi2, could you please:
Describe and localize when you see excess CPU usage.
followings the tests below:
0)Building steps:
0.1) Which options did you choose at cmake time (please send
the summary log or put it to your WebSite) ?.
0.1) Please send the log of compiler or put it on your WebSite
0.2) What are the fluidsynth arguments when you start it ?.
1)Playing steps
1.1) What is the meter you use to see CPU usage (probably the
one to top right of X windows graphic interface) ?
1.1.1) Please note the meter value when issue occurs.
1.2) Using your soundfont (gonzos-20160702.sf2), which preset
causes the issue ?, and which preset doesn't cause the issue
1.3) I remember the issue is when you play (in mono mode) (at
the the noteOn time), but i 'm not sure ?. Please confirm.
1.4) Assuming the issue occurs in mono mode, does this issue
occur in poly mode ? (using the same preset).
1.4.1) Is it when you play staccato
(n1On,n1Off,n1On,n1Off,...) on the same note ?
1.4.2) Is it when you play staccato
(n1On,n1Off,n2On,n2Off,...) on different note ?
1.4.2) Is it when you play legato
(n1On,,n2On,n1Off,n3On,n2Off...) ?, please note the legato
mode number (0 to 3).
The following test are related to Element remarks
2) Please do the test 1.x.x with Reverb and Chorus On and
when the issue occurs, do the same tests without
Thanks a lot.
Le 06/07/2016 00:28, Ben Gonzales
a écrit :
Hi all.
Is there any test I could run on the Pi that would help you
analyse the problem?
On 06/07/16 04:55, Element
Green wrote:
I'm not sure if it could be the issue or not. But
I remember a long while back (many years) FluidSynth
used to have issues with denormal numbers causing
excessive CPU usage. That would be floating point
numbers which are very small, but not 0. I don't know
if ARM processors deal with denormal numbers in
software, which would result in poor performance and
possibly floating point exception handlers being
triggered. It seems like this would more often occur
when the audio went towards silence.
Some general information on this:
Might be worth looking in to. Code was added in
certain areas to detect if a number was below a very
small value and if it was, then it would be forced to
0. Maybe there are still some areas where this is
occurring which are only affecting this particular
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