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[Freebangfont-devel] Bug from Debian

From: Diego Essaya
Subject: [Freebangfont-devel] Bug from Debian
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 00:53:55 -0000
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.3a-1

I have just fixed bug #254069 [1] for the ttf-bangla-fonts package in
Debian distribution. I'm sending the modified sfd fonts, hoping you will
find them useful.


Best regards,

======= Diego Essaya =========---- -- - -  -           *
 e-mail:  address@hidden                                *
 jid: address@hidden                       *
===============================-- -- - -  -              *

Attachment: bangla-sfd-bug254069.tar.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

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