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[Freeipmi-users] Dieudonné, Faurisson and Le Pen

From: Lawrence Auster
Subject: [Freeipmi-users] Dieudonné, Faurisson and Le Pen
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:45:32 +0100

Some comments about the recent post on the Zionist and obsessively anti-Arab, 
anti-Islam, The Brussels
Journal ( ). In case the reader wants 
to see what is real, crazed
hate directed at an identifiable group and religion, I would advise him or her 
to spend some time on the
The Brussels Journal Web site; after seeing so much excrement, however, the 
reader will probably feel the
urge to take a long shower.

'''The comedian and professional anti-Semite Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala (left), 
who is currently
performing at the Zenith Theatre in Paris, invited onto the stage to join him 
one Robert Faurisson, noted
French Holocaust denier. This happened while Jean-Marie Le Pen was in the 

If Dieudonne is a ''professional anti-Semite'' then you’re a professional 
anti-Arabist, Tiberge. You see,
several can play that game. Robert Faurisson is not a ''Holocaust denier'' 
(typical stupid name-calling in
the Zionist-controlled media); rather, he’s a revisionist (see the Faurisson 
archive in French here )

(As Robert Faurisson said: ''A reminder: Revisionists do not deny the genocide 
and the gas chambers.
That is a misconception. Galileo didn’t deny that the earth was stationary; he 
affirmed, at the conclusion of
his research, that the earth was not stationary, but that it rotated on its 
axis and revolved around the sun. In
the same way, the revisionists, after concluding their own research, affirm 
that there was no genocide and
no gas chambers, and that the ''final solution of the Jewish question'' 
consisted of the removal of the Jews
from Europe — by emigration if possible, and by deportation if necessary.

The revisionists strive to establish what happend; they are positive, while the 
exterminationists doggedly
continue to tell us about things which didn’t happen: their work is negative.

The revisionists stand for the reconciliation of the antagonists in the 
recognition of what really happened.

''If this doesn’t bring the Front National to an end, nothing will. I would 
almost venture to guess that Le Pen
is doing this deliberately to sink his party so that no one, not even his 
daughter Marine, will ever take the
reins of what he must consider his own private possession.''

Here, the author (inadvertently?) gives a lot of power to French Jewry if 
merely being in the audience while
Robert Faurisson came on stage is enough ''to sink'' Jean-Marie Le Pen’s party. 
If this is not guilt by
association in its most totalitarian form I don’t know what is. It’s like 
saying that because one was in the
audience while Fidel Castro was given a medal that one must be a communist 
sympathizer. To my
knowledge, Jean-Marie Le Pen has never commented on Robert Faurisson or his 
revisionist work.

'' Such an event must be regarded in several different ways, simultaneously. 
First, Dieudonne derives
intense pleasure from throwing the sh.. on the fan. He has learned that 
Jew-hatred is a thriving industry, that
he attracts a public who calls him their hero, that he opens old wounds, and 
that, through the ruse of
claiming he has been denied his right of freedom of speech, he wins support 
among people who are
opposed to France’s laws against Holocaust denial.''

What chuzpah! It’s the Arab and Muslim communities that are the victims of 
constant harassment and
discrimination. The Brussels Journal proves it on a daily basis that Arab and 
Muslim hatred is ''a thriving
industry'' in France (and Belgium). Let’s compare the amount of hatred the Arab 
and Muslim communities
face in France to that allegedly faced by the government-protected French Jewry 
and its plethora of
institutions, movements, groups, lobbies, leagues, organizations, etc., etc., 
etc. And its direct access to the
highest spheres of French government and virtually total domination of French 
media and the
entertainment industry. Hell, one of their fellow members of the Tribe is the 
French president! Arabs and
Muslims can only dream of having this much power and influence! Further, is the 
author saying that the
Jews didn’t lobby to obtain this special law to protect the so-called Holocaust 
from free inquiry and
independent research and doubt? That they’re somehow the real victims of such a 
law? The poor
dears... they’re the ones going to jail and/or paying hefty fines....I 
forgot.... There’s no free speech insofar
as the
Holocaust is concerned. Where’s the ''ruse'', Tiberge, you lying sack of shit! 
Additionally, violent Jewish
organization operate with total impunity in France and elsewhere in the 
Jew-controlled West (see here and
here), while Muslims are under constant scrutiny.

''The trouble is: these laws are very much part of the problem. You cannot 
privilege one group by
mandating that it is a crime punishable by fines and prison terms to deny the 
evil that was done to them.''

Stop your crocodile tears, Tiberge! you don’t have a problem with the 
Gayssot-Fabius statute (see here),
what bothers you is that other minorities, taking their cues from French Jewry, 
also seek to legally protect
their version of history and status as victims from prying eyes!

''Such laws are no different from affirmative action laws, and laws against all 
forms of discrimination such
as those passed by the European Union. They create precisely the opposite of 
what they are supposed to
do, i.e., they create hatred of the privileged party, they throw together into 
the same pot various social
problems, ideas, and historical facts that should be kept separate and treated 
differently, because they
are different. For example, anti-Semitism and hostility towards massive 
immigration not the same thing.
They are not the same hostility. But the great equalizing machine that is 
Sarkozy’s government must make
ALL hostilities seem equally bad, because he is unable to make distinctions 
between them. To do so
would be to admit that the huge population of people who are not white, 
Christian and European are not
necessarily all equal. He must prove that they are, in fact, all equally, 
victims of the evil white Christian

Second, by having Le Pen in the audience, it is the ENTIRE patriotic movement, 
the entire effort to save
France that is discredited. Le Pen is not discredited -- he DOESNT CARE!!! 
There is no need to concern
ourselves with HIS image, but rather with the image and ultimate fate of the 
movement of which he claims to
be a part, but of which he is not (and apparently never has been) anything but 
an impostor.''

Right…Jean-Marie Le Pen lost an eye and almost his life (for example, the 
building where his Parisian
apartment was located was bombed here. The perpetrators have never been brought 
to justice in France.
Prior to that event, and following it, he’s been the victim of countless death 
threats and physical assaults)
defending the ethnic genetic interests of autocthonous French men and women. 
His entire adult life has
been but a long struggle against the immigration-invasion of France. A struggle 
that has cost him
dearly but ''he DOESN’T CARE'' according to Tiberge. Who are you, Tiberge, you 
keyboard warrior?
You’re unfit to shine his shoes. What have you done in comparison aside from 
fellating French Jews and
calumniating the Arab world? And you dare to call Jean-Marie Le Pen an 
''impostor''? Fuck you, Tiberge!

''Third, this gives racist-hunters like Nicolas Sarkozy grist for their mill. 
Dedicated as he is to ridding
French soil of all racism, he and his ministers will point to Dieudonne’s 
provocation as a shameful,
inadmissible, unacceptable, act of racism that has no place in France. This 
will serve his purpose very well
and will furnish him with an infallible pretext for sending HALDE or MRAP or 
whatever anti-racist
organizations he chooses to track down every measly Holocaust denier he can 
ferret out.''

Cry me a river, Tiberge, you lying hypocrite! You mention HALDE and MRAP (you 
could mention many
more such organizations with a thoroughly kosher background), who founded these 
organizations? Who funds them today? A hint: it wasn’t, and it isn’t, Arabs. 
It’s precisely those Jewish front
institutions (the French equivalent of SPLC and ADL) who maintain the 
immigrationist status quo in France
by threatening the income and social status of dissident whites and their 

'' The media will have a field day pointing to the evils of the ''extreme 
Right'', due to Le Pen’s presence,
even though, according to the French blogger Francois Desouche anyway, 
Faurisson is a left-winger.
(Note: The websites regard Faurisson as a right-winger. According to Wikipedia, 
he claims to be

What Tiberge doesn’t seem to understand is that Robert Faurisson doens’t have a 
political agenda and
no discernable politics. He’s a fearless idealist and truth-seeker, no matter 
the personal and professional
consequences; and that’s something opportunists and paid calumniators like 
Tiberge can never
comprehend as they aren’t made of the same ''material.'' This is a man who has 
made, and continues to
make, tremendous personal sacrifices in the quaint pursuit of historical truth.

''The Jews of France will probably not understand the complexities of this 
situation, choosing to see only
the anti-Semitism of the ''extreme Right'', blind to the insidious way their 
history is being manipulated and
exploited for the purpose of intimidating, terrorizing, and mongrelizing the 
French people. Blind, too, to the
dangers they will confront if they don’t rethink their own instinctual reaction 
of identifying more closely with
non-assimilable immigrants than with French patriots, of preferring to side 
with the Left or with Sarko’s false
Right than with authentic nationalists and traditionalists. This is a problem 
they have, but they are certainly
not alone; and when one sees the ways in which the waters are muddied by 
celebrity policy-makers such
as Dieudonne, and public opinion formed by relentless government propaganda, 
not to mention the
inferior education being offered today, it is not surprising that things have 
reached this level of

Tiberge, like her cowardly and lying ilk, prefers to attack the symptoms rather 
the causes. Hey, Tiberge,
tell us who maniacally pressured for decades the French government in favor of 
open borders, greater
immigration, and multiculturalism/multiracialism, until Arabs and Africans 
started burning their synagogues?
Was it Saudi Arabia? Was it Iran? Was it Arabs or another group of Semites? 
Tell us, Tiberge! Who?


What the lobby did for Europe, it also did for America (see here). Nothing new 
under the sun.

The Jewish hostility towards western civilization is well-known and documented.

''This incident itself hopefully will pass quickly into oblivion, its principal 
actors as well, but the processes
described above will go on, until France gets a worthy leader, which will not 
be, as far as anyone can tell, in
the near future.''

Hopefully not. To the chagrin of the lying paid Zionist whore, the odds are 
that the event only signals an
increase in the scale of the slave revolt.

''Francois Desouche had to close comments for the post because of the legal 
considerations I alluded to.
Some of his readers must have defended Dieudonn?’s right to express himself 
freely about the Holocaust.
However to post such comments places Desouche in a vulnerable position where 
his website could be
shut down for violating French laws. This is what I mean when I say these laws 
are not doing anybody,
except the ''thought police'', any good.''

Intellectual terror at its worse. Who’s responsible for this thought police, 

''The post includes a video of Dieudonne on stage. French readers may have an 
easier time than I did
understanding it. There are various versions of the video all over the French 
blogosphere. This one is
more audible and shows the arrival of Faurisson on the stage as Dieudonn? 
energetically encourages the
audience to applaud. An aura of weird ritual emanates from the entire scene as 
this old man justifies
himself to an audience of primarily young people, most of whom (one assumes) 
have no idea who he is.
It’s all very creepy.''

So Tiberge’s worthless drivel concerns a video she’s unable to understand. You 
can rest assured,
Tiberge, that everyone in the audience knew who Robert Faurisson was. They 
didn’t need any
encouragement to applaud a brave freedom fighter when they saw one in front of 

As an aside, and before pronouncing judgment on Robert Faurisson, tell us , 
Tiberge, which of his
revisionist writings have you read.I thought so


The Brussels Journal is part of the false opposition to the West’s predicament.

Lawrence Auster,
1300 Wilson Blvd, Ste 120
Arlington, VA 22209-2312

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