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Re: [FR-devel] FreeRIDE startup

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] FreeRIDE startup
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:07:09 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.7) Gecko/20011221

Horacio Lopez wrote:

I am creating a plug-in for I18N, and I am testing on
both  Linux and Windows.
I am running exactly the same program, still,
the initialization order of the plug-ins is different.

This is because the load_plugins method
iterates the directory entries without sorting
them in any particular order.
Just to let people know they shouldn't
always rely on the start-up order in a particular
system, it may not necesarily always follow
the same initialization order in other systems.

*_Now some comments on this:_*
Some plug-ins will be using the Language plug-in
for internationalization, and each one of them
will have to wait until Language loads.
Each plug-in coder will have to code his own
initialization method.
Would it make sense to store this synchronization
data in the plugin.xml files ?

say for example:

<plugin name="Test2_Plugin" version="1.0">
  *<waitfor plugin="I18N_Lang" />**  *
*  <startafter plugin="Test1_plugin" />*


As a matter of fact I was exactly thinking about the same thing this morning. I had not used the plugin stuff yet but I was making an analogy between our plugins and the way the Linux kernel handles modules. And I do think link you that it would be great to have a Linux-like approach to the plugins loading

Linux has a simple but yet very useful languages used in /etc/modules.conf. Things like

- alias: define an alias name for a plugin
- pre-install: automatically load a (list of) plugins before yours
- post-install: same after yours is installed
- pre-remove: remove other plugins before yours in is removed
- post-remove : same except plugins are removed after yours has been removed

This is not exactly the same approach as yours in the sense that here the plugin would play an active role in triggering the event that is going to pre-install the required plugins. If the necessary plugin is already laoded then the pre-install would have no effect of course.

Another effect of pre-install is that it could also act as a dependency checking. If the required plugins are not there then you could throw an exception and say that you absolutely need them


The <waitfor> label waits for an initialization message

from the specified plug-in. That doesn't necesarily means

that plug-in has fully completed its initialization stage.

The <startafter> makes this plug-in to start its initialization

once the specified plug-in has fully completed its initialization.

(maybe it's not all that clear, but we can talk more about it

later if you find this feature to be useful)

This would help us avoid initialization mistakes

and duplication of code. Don't know if it's feasible, and

don't know if this makes things harder, just an idea.

If you like it, I will add it to the Wiki wishlists.



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