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[FR-devel] Re: Where can I put this?

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: [FR-devel] Re: Where can I put this?
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 19:09:13 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826


I took your own Ruby install, put it on my Win2k machine and tried to run FreeRIDE. It starts ok until I run the debugger, at which point it freezes I guess this is when I attach the stdout to FreeRIDE via addInput() . Oh by the way I do confirm that inputs.rb does work with your instance of Ruby 1.7.3

So now I have FreeRIDE working with Rich Kilmer's Ruby (Ruby 1.7.3 a week ago compiled with VC++ 7) but the addInput do not display anything in the text console and I have Lyle's version (Ruby 1.7.3 very latest from CVS compiled with ??) where addInput() works but FR hangs!!

And the same FR works like a charm on my good old Ruby 1.6.6 on Linux. My goodness, Ruby on Windows is really a nightmare :-(

By the way Lyle you can run the FreeRIDE code if you want. it is attached below. I am also cc'ing the FR-dev mailing list so that other FR developpers can try the same scenario and report to me. To observe the hang do as follows:

- Launch run.bat
- Select Menu File -> Open -> select std.rb as a sample file
- Then below the Edit Pane there is an horizontal splitter that is not very visible. Drag it upwards to make the lower part of the splitter visible. You should see an empty tab pane with "0. Debug" as title
- Select Menu Run -> Debug


- The Debugger appears at the bottom of the screen, the first line of the std.rb feels goes yellow.
- Step through the code (upper right icon)
- On Rich's version of Ruby the print statement does not appear on the console (this is the addInput bug) but everything goes well - When you reach the gets statement type something in the Text Console and return or it will stay there for ever :-)

Critical file in this story are
plugins/Debugger/Debugger.rb (see DebuggerSession#start method -> attach_stdout)
plugins/Debugger/Render/Fox/DebuggerRendererFox (attach_stdout)

Any help you can give me is really appreciated. These Windows problems really drive me nuts.

Laurent JULLIARD - Xerox R&T/SSTC/XPA - Open Source team
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