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RE: [FR-devel] Ripper is here!!!

From: Curt Hibbs
Subject: RE: [FR-devel] Ripper is here!!!
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 07:31:03 -0700

Rich Kilmer wrote:
> All,
> You know...for not being a 'C' developer I am not doing too bad ;-)
> I have attached a .zip file of the built to run on the
> FreeRUBY build of Ruby 1.7.  Unzip this in the
> \ruby\lib\ruby\site_ruby\1.7 directory...
> This contains a ripper.rb file and a that is placed in the
> i386-mswin32 directory.
> I got this to build by examining how Lyle Johnson does a thread "yeild"
> using rb_thread_wait_for(wait) and removing the rb_thread_pass
> reference.  I would be glad to forward the file to anyone interested.
> I tested this against the ripper examples and it works.
> Hal...go get em!

Fantastic! Thanks, Rich.


  When you get a chance, could you also zip up your modified ripper source
code and post it to the ML. I probably won't open it, but I'd like to have
immediate access to it if I end up needing it.

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