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Re: [FR-devel] After RubyConf...

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] After RubyConf...
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 09:26:26 +0100
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Hal E. Fulton wrote:

In connection with this, I have some

1. Are we putting FR on hold until wxRuby is mature? If so, my comments
above may not hold.

Certainly not. We decided sometime ago that while Curt was making progress on wxRuby we would keep using FOX, which by the way has given full satisfaction so far. We know that I18N is a problem with FOX as well as MacOSX support hence the wxRuby work

But for now it is clear that we keep developing FR on top of FOX.

2. What is the Next Big Thing in FreeRIDE?
I know what I'd vote for -- pair programming
support. That could help the project be more
"self-bootstrapping." Imagine using FR 0.6 to work on FR 0.7 -- and pairing with someone
a thousand miles away. Ahhhh.... :)

There are plenty of things to be done:

- Integration of the source code browser (I think Rich is working on it)
- Version Control integration (CVS to start with I guess)
- Pair programming is another one
- We should also spend time on the notion of 'projects'. Right now we only work on individual files and we have no notion of these files beloging to the same project. - In the same vein, we should decided on a packaging and delivering mechanism for the Ruby software developed with FR. There are a couple of initiatives in the Ruby community but no one spent time to assess the value of these efforts and how to integrate them in FR. - On-line help (including RDOC). I think Bob Calco in working on it but the 2 of you may be even better than one.

3. What is *my* upcoming role in this? I can be looking at editor API issues or
scripting project issues. (Will we still
use Scintilla once we convert to wxRuby?)

The editor API is an option but I don;t think it won't help 'conquer' the Ruby community. My position on this is that we are after 'functionalitites' to start with to attract the Ruby users. This is exactly what we are doing right now. FR has been developed by leaps and bonds with new features and then 4 months after Rich came and did some refactoring. I think we are now ready for a second run of 'let's throw new features in it' and in 3 months from now we'll do another refactoring round. At that time we'll probably have a better idea of what the editor API is.

Rich, Curt and others may have a different view here. And may be Rich recent refactoring makes it clearer what the editor API has to be.



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