I've experienced the following with the Debian packages I just made;
examination of the official RPM package shows that this issue is common
to all packages:
the core classes and the plugins try to write in read-only YAML files,
placed somewhere in /usr/lib/freeride and/or /usr/share/freeride.
This means that some things such as running the program, exiting
cleanly, etc, won't work.
A typical error message would be
/usr/share/freeride/freebase/readers.rb:28:in `initialize': Permission
denied -
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/readers.rb:28:in `new'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/readers.rb:28:in `save'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/properties.rb:92:in `save'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/properties.rb:54:in
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:615:in `notify'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:610:in
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:610:in `notify'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:619:in `notify'
... 24 levels...
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/core.rb:35:in `new'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/core.rb:35:in `startup'
from /usr/share/freeride/freeride.rb:53:in `startup'
from /usr/share/freeride/freeride.rb:66
After a quick look at the code, I think I identified some of the
that might need modification to support per-user (in $HOME) properties;
but I don't dare do it since (a) I'm not familiar at all w/ FreeRIDE
(b) I don't know what to do about Windows.
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Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com
How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I
only coded it.
-- Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting