Hello all,
I've been dealing with real life for the
last months, and I am trying hard to find
a time-slot to dedicate to the project.
I'm setting up a poor-mans' linux workstation
in order to get back to work, trying to
catch up with your last months work.
I tried the latest FreeRIDE rc1 rpm
that was labeled for the i386 platform.
This is a Pentium 200 MX, running RedHat
Linux 7.3, some modules from the rpm
failed to start and it took me some time
to have FXRuby up and running in this
machine, but eventually I solved all
that problems.
Now FreeRIDE starts, but the edit pane
doesn't show up. I've been tracking down
the problem and it looks like it has
something to do with the dependencies
on ripper.rb
The problem I have now (the one I can't
solve by myself) is that ripper.so
seems to be compiled for i686 even when
the packages are labeled i386.
Where can I find that part of the project
so that I can compile it ?
(and provide a i586 .so for the distribution)