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Re: [FR-devel] little bug in the search/replace stuff

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] little bug in the search/replace stuff
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 16:40:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030529

Thanks for the bug gabriele! May I suggest you submit it via our Savannah bug tracker at

Make sure you copy paste all your bug description as it is here. This is much easier for all of us to track the bugs through Savannah than through the mailing list.

Thanks again and keep using FR.


gabriele renzi wrote:
it seems that the search/replace stuff  has a little

I could obtain the bug in this way:
start freeride
 open a file.rb
click on search/find select 'Regular expression'
 click on the rigth arrow (search forward) for a
couple of time
 clicking on the left arrow (search backward)  is now

Actually, it seems that searching backwards won't ever
go before the current line,
(I mean: in a line

my=='bau' or my =='meow'

I can happily go from the first to the last  'my', or
in the next line, but not in the previous ones )

this seem related to every kind of search where regexp
is selected, no matter about the other flags.
It even 'works' with replace.

my configuration:
winxppro, PragProg ruby Installer (ruby 1.8.0 (2003-05-26) [i386-mswin32])

oh, using scite 1.41 there is a similar problem: if
you serach a regex backwards it automatically starts
from the first line instead of the current one.. Possibly a scintilla bug ?

sorry for bothering you all any time with this little
bugs, but my mom said me that FOSS requires that every
should user submits bug reports as soon as possible ..

icq #69488917

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