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[freetype2] colr eac8be3 1/8: Add types required for 'COLR' v1 to public

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: [freetype2] colr eac8be3 1/8: Add types required for 'COLR' v1 to public API (#59703).
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 04:34:50 -0500 (EST)

branch: colr
commit eac8be38e6c331ab93b8f593d9405cd0454afc9c
Author: Dominik Röttsches <>
Commit: Werner Lemberg <>

    Add types required for 'COLR' v1 to public API (#59703).
    * include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_PaintFormat, FT_ColorStopIterator,
    FT_ColorIndex, FT_ColorStop, FT_PaintExtend, FT_ColorLine,
    FT_Affine23, FT_CompositeMode, FT_OpaquePaint, FT_PaintColrLayers,
    FT_PaintSolid, FT_PaintLinearGradient, FT_PaintRadialGradient,
    FT_PaintGlyph, FT_PaintColrGlyph, FT_PaintTransformed,
    FT_PaintTranslate, FT_PaintRotate, FT_PaintSkew, FT_PaintComposite,
    FT_COLR_Paint): Adding structs and enum to represent paint format,
    color stop information, gradient extend information, structs to
    reference paint offsets, and to define transforms and compositions.
    Adding a union type to represent the union of the structs,
    distinguished by `FT_PaintFormat`.
 ChangeLog                   |  16 ++
 include/freetype/freetype.h | 662 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 677 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 106ef84..f8aa2c7 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+2020-12-16  Dominik Röttsches  <>
+       Add types required for 'COLR' v1 to public API (#59703).
+       * include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_PaintFormat, FT_ColorStopIterator,
+       FT_ColorIndex, FT_ColorStop, FT_PaintExtend, FT_ColorLine,
+       FT_Affine23, FT_CompositeMode, FT_OpaquePaint, FT_PaintColrLayers,
+       FT_PaintSolid, FT_PaintLinearGradient, FT_PaintRadialGradient,
+       FT_PaintGlyph, FT_PaintColrGlyph, FT_PaintTransformed,
+       FT_PaintTranslate, FT_PaintRotate, FT_PaintSkew, FT_PaintComposite,
+       FT_COLR_Paint): Adding structs and enum to represent paint format,
+       color stop information, gradient extend information, structs to
+       reference paint offsets, and to define transforms and compositions.
+       Adding a union type to represent the union of the structs,
+       distinguished by `FT_PaintFormat`.
 2020-12-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
        [sdf] Use 'counter-clockwise', not 'anti-clockwise'.
diff --git a/include/freetype/freetype.h b/include/freetype/freetype.h
index 313dd21..57b0b37 100644
--- a/include/freetype/freetype.h
+++ b/include/freetype/freetype.h
@@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ FT_BEGIN_HEADER
    *     If the font is 'tricky' (see @FT_FACE_FLAG_TRICKY for more), using
    *     `FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE` usually yields meaningless outlines because the
-   *     subglyphs must be scaled and positioned with hinting instructions. 
+   *     subglyphs must be scaled and positioned with hinting instructions.
    *     This can be solved by loading the font without `FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE`
    *     and setting the character size to `font->units_per_EM`.
@@ -4221,6 +4221,666 @@ FT_BEGIN_HEADER
+   * @enum:
+   *   FT_PaintFormat
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   Enumeration describing the different gradient types of the v1
+   *   extensions to the 'COLR' table, see
+   *   ''.
+   */
+  typedef enum  FT_PaintFormat_
+  {
+    FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SOLID           = 2,
+    FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_GLYPH           = 5,
+    FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SKEW            = 10,
+    FT_COLR_PAINT_FORMAT_MAX            = 12,
+  } FT_PaintFormat;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_ColorStopIterator
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   This iterator object is needed for @FT_Get_Colorline_Stops.  It keeps
+   *   state while iterating over the stops of an @FT_ColorLine,
+   *   representing the `ColorLine` struct of the v1 extensions to 'COLR',
+   *   see ''.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   num_color_stops ::
+   *     The number of color stops for the requested glyph index.  Set by
+   *     @FT_Get_Colorline_Stops.
+   *
+   *   current_color_stop ::
+   *     The current color stop.  Set by @FT_Get_Colorline_Stops.
+   *
+   *   p ::
+   *     An opaque pointer into 'COLR' table data.  The caller must set this
+   *     to `NULL` before the first call of @FT_Get_Colorline_Stops.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_ColorStopIterator_
+  {
+    FT_UInt  num_color_stops;
+    FT_UInt  current_color_stop;
+    FT_Byte*  p;
+  } FT_ColorStopIterator;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_ColorIndex
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `ColorIndex` value of the 'COLR' v1
+   *   extensions, see ''.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   palette_index ::
+   *     The palette index into a 'CPAL' palette.
+   *
+   *   alpha ::
+   *     Alpha transparency value multiplied with the value from 'CPAL'.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_ColorIndex_
+  {
+    FT_UInt16   palette_index;
+    FT_F2Dot14  alpha;
+  } FT_ColorIndex;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_ColorStop
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `ColorStop` value of the 'COLR' v1
+   *   extensions, see ''.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   stop_offset ::
+   *     The stop offset between 0 and 1 along the gradient.
+   *
+   *   color ::
+   *     The color information for this stop, see @FT_ColorIndex.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_ColorStop_
+  {
+    FT_F2Dot14     stop_offset;
+    FT_ColorIndex  color;
+  } FT_ColorStop;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @enum:
+   *   FT_PaintExtend
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   An enumeration representing the 'Extend' mode of the 'COLR' v1
+   *   extensions, see ''.
+   *   It describes how the gradient fill continues at the other boundaries.
+   */
+  typedef enum  FT_PaintExtend_
+  {
+  } FT_PaintExtend;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_ColorLine
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `ColorLine` value of the 'COLR' v1
+   *   extensions, see ''.
+   *   It describes a list of color stops along the defined gradient.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   extend ::
+   *     The extend mode at the outer boundaries, see @FT_PaintExtend.
+   *
+   *   color_stop_iterator ::
+   *     The @FT_ColorStopIterator used to enumerate and retrieve the
+   *     actual @FT_ColorStop's.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_ColorLine_
+  {
+    FT_PaintExtend        extend;
+    FT_ColorStopIterator  color_stop_iterator;
+  } FT_ColorLine;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_Affine23
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure used to store a 2x3 matrix.  Coefficients are in
+   *   16.16 fixed-point format.  The computation performed is
+   *
+   *   ```
+   *     x' = x*xx + y*xy + dx
+   *     y' = x*yx + y*yy + dy
+   *   ```
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   xx ::
+   *     Matrix coefficient.
+   *
+   *   xy ::
+   *     Matrix coefficient.
+   *
+   *   dx ::
+   *     x translation.
+   *
+   *   yx ::
+   *     Matrix coefficient.
+   *
+   *   yy ::
+   *     Matrix coefficient.
+   *
+   *   dy ::
+   *     y translation.
+   *
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_Affine_23_
+  {
+    FT_Fixed  xx, xy, dx;
+    FT_Fixed  yx, yy, dy;
+  } FT_Affine23;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @enum:
+   *   FT_CompositeMode
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   An enumeration listing the 'COLR' v1 composite modes used in
+   *   @FT_PaintComposite.  For more details on each paint mode, see
+   *   ''.
+   */
+  typedef enum  CT_Composite_Mode_
+  {
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_CLEAR          = 0,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC            = 1,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST           = 2,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_IN         = 5,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DEST_IN        = 6,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_OUT        = 7,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_XOR            = 11,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SCREEN         = 12,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_DARKEN         = 14,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_HSL_HUE        = 23,
+    FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_MAX            = 27
+  } FT_Composite_Mode;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_OpaquePaint
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing an offset to a `Paint` value stored in any
+   *   of the paint tables of a 'COLR' v1 font.  Compare Offset<24> there.
+   *   When 'COLR' v1 paint tables represented by FreeType objects such as
+   *   @FT_PaintColrLayers, @FT_PaintComposite, or @FT_PaintTransform
+   *   reference downstream nested paint tables, we do not immediately
+   *   retrieve them but encapsulate their location in this type.  Use
+   *   @FT_Get_Paint to retrieve the actual @FT_COLR_Paint object that
+   *   describes the details of the respective paint table.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   p ::
+   *     An internal offset to a Paint table, needs to be set to NULL before
+   *     passing this struct as an argument to @FT_Get_Paint.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_Opaque_Paint_
+  {
+    FT_Byte*  p;
+  } FT_OpaquePaint;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintColrLayers
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `PaintColrLayers` table of a 'COLR' v1
+   *   font.  This table describes a set of layers that are to be composited
+   *   with composite mode @FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER.  The return value of
+   *   this function is an @FT_LayerIterator initialized so that it can be
+   *   used with @FT_Get_Paint_Layers to retrieve the @FT_OpaquePaint
+   *   objects as references to each layer.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   layer_iterator ::
+   *     The layer iterator that describes the layers of this paint.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintColrLayers_
+  {
+    FT_LayerIterator  layer_iterator;
+  } FT_PaintColrLayers;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintSolid
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `PaintSolid` value of the 'COLR' v1
+   *   extensions, see ''.
+   *   Using a `PaintSolid` value means that the glyph layer filled with
+   *   this paint is solid-colored and does not contain a gradient.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   color ::
+   *     The color information for this solid paint, see @FT_ColorIndex.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintSolid_
+  {
+    FT_ColorIndex  color;
+  } FT_PaintSolid;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintLinearGradient
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `PaintLinearGradient` value of the 'COLR'
+   *   v1 extensions, see
+   *   ''.  The glyph
+   *   layer filled with this paint is drawn filled with a linear gradient.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   colorline ::
+   *     The @FT_ColorLine information for this paint, i.e., the list of
+   *     color stops along the gradient.
+   *
+   *   p0 ::
+   *     The starting point of the gradient definition (in font units).
+   *
+   *   p1 ::
+   *     The end point of the gradient definition (in font units).
+   *
+   *   p2 ::
+   *     Optional point~p2 to rotate the gradient (in font units).
+   *     Otherwise equal to~p0.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintLinearGradient_
+  {
+    FT_ColorLine  colorline;
+    /* TODO: Potentially expose those as x0, y0 etc. */
+    FT_Vector  p0;
+    FT_Vector  p1;
+    FT_Vector  p2;
+  } FT_PaintLinearGradient;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintRadialGradient
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a `PaintRadialGradient` value of the 'COLR'
+   *   v1 extensions, see
+   *   ''.  The glyph
+   *   layer filled with this paint is drawn filled filled with a radial
+   *   gradient.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   colorline ::
+   *     The @FT_ColorLine information for this paint, i.e., the list of
+   *     color stops along the gradient.
+   *
+   *   c0 ::
+   *     The center of the starting point of the radial gradient (in font
+   *     units).
+   *
+   *   r0 ::
+   *     The radius of the starting circle of the radial gradient (in font
+   *     units).
+   *
+   *   c1 ::
+   *     The center of the end point of the radial gradient (in font units).
+   *
+   *   r1 ::
+   *     The radius of the end circle of the radial gradient (in font
+   *     units).
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintRadialGradient_
+  {
+    FT_ColorLine  colorline;
+    /* TODO: Potentially expose those as x0, y0 etc. */
+    FT_Vector  c0;
+    FT_UShort  r0;
+    FT_Vector  c1;
+    FT_UShort  r1;
+  } FT_PaintRadialGradient;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintGlyph
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR' v1 `PaintGlyph` paint table.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   paint ::
+   *     An opaque paint object pointing to a `Paint` table that serves as
+   *     the fill for the glyph ID.
+   *
+   *   glyphID ::
+   *     The glyph ID from the 'glyf' table, which serves as the contour
+   *     information that is filled with paint.
+   *
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintGlyph_
+  {
+    FT_OpaquePaint  paint;
+    FT_UInt         glyphID;
+  } FT_PaintGlyph;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintColrGlyph
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR' v1 `PaintColorGlyph` paint table.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   glyphID ::
+   *     The glyph ID from the `BaseGlyphV1List` table that is drawn for
+   *     this paint.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintColrGlyph_
+  {
+    FT_UInt  glyphID;
+  } FT_PaintColrGlyph;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintTransformed
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR' v1 `PaintTransformed` paint table.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   paint ::
+   *     An opaque paint that is subject to being transformed.
+   *
+   *   affine ::
+   *     A 2x3 transformation matrix in @FT_Affine23 format.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintTransformed_
+  {
+    FT_OpaquePaint  paint;
+    FT_Affine23     affine;
+  } FT_PaintTransformed;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintTranslate
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR' v1 `PaintTranslate` paint table.
+   *   Used for translating downstream paints by a given x and y~delta.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   paint ::
+   *     An @FT_OpaquePaint object referencing the paint that is to be
+   *     rotated.
+   *
+   *   dx ::
+   *     Translation in x~direction (in font units).
+   *
+   *   dy ::
+   *     Translation in y~direction (in font units).
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintTranslate_
+  {
+    FT_OpaquePaint  paint;
+    FT_Fixed  dx;
+    FT_Fixed  dy;
+  } FT_PaintTranslate;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintRotate
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR' v1 `PaintRotate` paint table.  Used
+   *   for rotating downstream paints with a given center and angle.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   paint ::
+   *     An @FT_OpaquePaint object referencing the paint that is to be
+   *     rotated.
+   *
+   *   angle ::
+   *     The rotation angle that is to be applied.
+   *
+   *   center_x ::
+   *     The x~coordinate of the pivot point of the rotation (in font
+   *     units).
+   *
+   *   center_y ::
+   *     The y~coordinate of the pivot point of the rotation (in font
+   *     units).
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintRotate_
+  {
+    FT_OpaquePaint  paint;
+    FT_Fixed  angle;
+    FT_Fixed  center_x;
+    FT_Fixed  center_y;
+  } FT_PaintRotate;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintSkew
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR' v1 `PaintSkew` paint table.  Used
+   *   for skewing or shearing downstream paints by a given center and
+   *   angle.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   paint ::
+   *     An @FT_OpaquePaint object referencing the paint that is to be
+   *     skewed.
+   *
+   *   x_skew_angle ::
+   *     The skewing angle in x~direction.
+   *
+   *   y_skew_angle ::
+   *     The skewing angle in y~direction.
+   *
+   *   center_x ::
+   *     The x~coordinate of the pivot point of the skew (in font units).
+   *
+   *   center_y ::
+   *     The y~coordinate of the pivot point of the skew (in font units).
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintSkew_
+  {
+    FT_OpaquePaint  paint;
+    FT_Fixed  x_skew_angle;
+    FT_Fixed  y_skew_angle;
+    FT_Fixed  center_x;
+    FT_Fixed  center_y;
+  } FT_PaintSkew;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @struct:
+   *   FT_PaintComposite
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A structure representing a 'COLR'v1 `PaintComposite` paint table.
+   *   Used for compositing two paints in a 'COLR' v1 directed acycling
+   *   graph.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   source_paint ::
+   *     An @FT_OpaquePaint object referencing the source that is to be
+   *     composited.
+   *
+   *   composite_mode ::
+   *     An @FT_Composite_Mode enum value determining the composition
+   *     operation.
+   *
+   *   backdrop_paint ::
+   *     An @FT_OpaquePaint object referencing the backdrop paint that
+   *     `source_paint` is composited onto.
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_PaintComposite_
+  {
+    FT_OpaquePaint     source_paint;
+    FT_Composite_Mode  composite_mode;
+    FT_OpaquePaint     backdrop_paint;
+  } FT_PaintComposite;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @union:
+   *   FT_COLR_Paint
+   *
+   * @description:
+   *   A union object representing format and details of a paint table of a
+   *   'COLR' v1 font, see
+   *   ''.  Use
+   *   @FT_Get_Paint to retrieve a @FT_COLR_Paint for an @FT_OpaquePaint
+   *   object.
+   *
+   * @fields:
+   *   format ::
+   *     The gradient format for this Paint structure.
+   *
+   *   u ::
+   *     Union of all paint table types:
+   *
+   *       * @FT_PaintColrLayers
+   *       * @FT_PaintGlyph
+   *       * @FT_PaintSolid
+   *       * @FT_PaintLinearGradient
+   *       * @FT_PaintRadialGradient
+   *       * @FT_PaintTransformed
+   *       * @FT_PaintTranslate
+   *       * @FT_PaintRotate
+   *       * @FT_PaintSkew
+   *       * @FT_PaintComposite
+   *       * @FT_PaintColrGlyph
+   */
+  typedef struct  FT_COLR_Paint_
+  {
+    FT_PaintFormat format;
+    union
+    {
+      FT_PaintColrLayers      colr_layers;
+      FT_PaintGlyph           glyph;
+      FT_PaintSolid           solid;
+      FT_PaintLinearGradient  linear_gradient;
+      FT_PaintRadialGradient  radial_gradient;
+      FT_PaintTransformed     transformed;
+      FT_PaintTranslate       translate;
+      FT_PaintRotate          rotate;
+      FT_PaintSkew            skew;
+      FT_PaintComposite       composite;
+      FT_PaintColrGlyph       colr_glyph;
+    } u;
+  } FT_COLR_Paint;
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
    * @section:
    *   base_interface

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