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[freetype2-demos] remove-grblit 06854fa: [graph] Complete removal of leg

From: Werner Lemberg
Subject: [freetype2-demos] remove-grblit 06854fa: [graph] Complete removal of legacy blitter.
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 03:29:10 -0500 (EST)

branch: remove-grblit
commit 06854faf9f0a5154cbd2bba2ca396aa95ca247e0
Author: Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
Commit: Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>

    [graph] Complete removal of legacy blitter.
    This switches the remaing monochrome rendering of headers to the main
    blender and deletes the legacy blitter. The old blitter can handle
    exotic target surfaces like monochrome or 4-bit bitmaps. Anything
    beyond the alpha blender can do.
    * graph/grfont.c (grWriteCellChar, grWriteCellString): Switch from
    `grBlitGlyphToBitmap` to `grBlitGlyphToSurface`.
    * graph/grblit.[ch]: Delete files.
    * graph/graph.h, graph/grconfig.h: Remove references.
    * graph/, graph/,,
    builds/windows/msvc/migs.vcxproj: Update build scripts.
 builds/windows/msvc/migs.vcxproj |    2 -
 graph/graph.h                    |   41 -
 graph/grblit.c                   | 1911 --------------------------------------
 graph/grblit.h                   |   27 -
 graph/grconfig.h                 |    2 -
 graph/grfont.c                   |    4 +-
 graph/                |    2 -
 graph/                   |    2 -                     |    7 +-
 9 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1994 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builds/windows/msvc/migs.vcxproj b/builds/windows/msvc/migs.vcxproj
index ff49609..41ee4a2 100644
--- a/builds/windows/msvc/migs.vcxproj
+++ b/builds/windows/msvc/migs.vcxproj
@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\graph\gblblit.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\graph\gblender.c" />
-    <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\graph\grblit.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\graph\grdevice.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\graph\grfill.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\graph\grfont.c" />
@@ -166,7 +165,6 @@
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\gblvbgr.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\gblvrgb.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\graph.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\grblit.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\grconfig.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\grdevice.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\graph\grevents.h" />
diff --git a/graph/graph.h b/graph/graph.h
index 25371af..60181ee 100644
--- a/graph/graph.h
+++ b/graph/graph.h
@@ -197,47 +197,6 @@
   * <Function>
-  *    grBlitGlyphToBitmap
-  *
-  * <Description>
-  *    writes a given glyph bitmap to a target surface.
-  *
-  * <Input>
-  *    target  :: handle to target bitmap that belongs to surface
-  *    glyph   :: handle to source glyph bitmap
-  *    x       :: position of left-most pixel of glyph image in target surface
-  *    y       :: position of top-most pixel of glyph image in target surface
-  *    color   :: color to be used to draw a monochrome glyph
-  *
-  * <Return>
-  *   Error code. 0 means success
-  *
-  * <Note>
-  *   There are only two supported source pixel modes : monochrome
-  *   and gray. The 8-bit images can have any number of grays between
-  *   2 and 128, and conversions to the target surface is handled
-  *   _automatically_.
-  *
-  *   Note however that you should avoid blitting a gray glyph to a gray
-  *   bitmap with fewer levels of grays, as this would much probably
-  *   give unpleasant results..
-  *
-  *   This function performs clipping.  This function does not implement
-  *   gamma correction.
-  *
-  **********************************************************************/
-  extern int
-  grBlitGlyphToBitmap( grBitmap*  target,
-                       grBitmap*  glyph,
-                       grPos      x,
-                       grPos      y,
-                       grColor    color );
- /**********************************************************************
-  *
-  * <Function>
   *    grWriteCellChar
   * <Description>
diff --git a/graph/grblit.c b/graph/grblit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cf72bc..0000000
--- a/graph/grblit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1911 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                          */
-/*  The FreeType project -- a free and portable quality TrueType renderer.  */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*  Copyright (C) 1996-2021 by                                              */
-/*  D. Turner, R.Wilhelm, and W. Lemberg                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*  grblit.c: Support for blitting of bitmaps with various depth.           */
-/*                                                                          */
-#include "grblit.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#define  GRAY8
-  static
-  int  compute_clips( grBlitter*  blit,
-                      int         x_offset,
-                      int         y_offset )
-  {
-    int  xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, width, height, target_width;
-    /* perform clipping and setup variables */
-    width  = blit->source.width;
-    height = blit->source.rows;
-    switch ( blit->source.mode )
-    {
-    case gr_pixel_mode_mono:
-      width = (width + 7) & -8;
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_pal4:
-      width = (width + 1) & -2;
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcd:
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcd2:
-      width /= 3;
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcdv:
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcdv2:
-      height /= 3;
-      break;
-    default:
-      ;
-    }
-    xmin = x_offset;
-    ymin = y_offset;
-    xmax = xmin + width-1;
-    ymax = ymin + height-1;
-    /* clip if necessary */
-    if ( width == 0 || height == 0                ||
-         xmax < 0   || xmin >= blit->target.width ||
-         ymax < 0   || ymin >= blit->target.rows  )
-      return 1;
-    /* set up clipping and cursors */
-    blit->yread = 0;
-    if ( ymin < 0 )
-    {
-      blit->yread  -= ymin;
-      height       += ymin;
-      blit->ywrite  = 0;
-    }
-    else
-      blit->ywrite  = ymin;
-    if ( ymax >= blit->target.rows )
-      height -= ymax - blit->target.rows + 1;
-    blit->xread = 0;
-    if ( xmin < 0 )
-    {
-      blit->xread  -= xmin;
-      width        += xmin;
-      blit->xwrite  = 0;
-    }
-    else
-      blit->xwrite  = xmin;
-    target_width = blit->target.width;
-    switch ( blit->target.mode )
-    {
-    case gr_pixel_mode_mono:
-      target_width = (target_width + 7) & -8;
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_pal4:
-      target_width = (target_width + 1) & -2;
-      break;
-    default:
-      ;
-    }
-    blit->right_clip = xmax - target_width + 1;
-    if ( blit->right_clip > 0 )
-      width -= blit->right_clip;
-    else
-      blit->right_clip = 0;
-    blit->width  = width;
-    blit->height = height;
-    /* set read and write to the top-left corner of the read */
-    /* and write areas before clipping.                      */
-    blit->read  = blit->source.buffer;
-    blit->write = blit->target.buffer;
-    blit->read_line  = blit->source.pitch;
-    blit->write_line = blit->target.pitch;
-    if ( blit->read_line < 0 )
-      blit->read -= (blit->source.rows-1) * blit->read_line;
-    if ( blit->write_line < 0 )
-      blit->write -= (blit->target.rows-1) * blit->write_line;
-    /* now go to the start line. Note that we do not move the   */
-    /* x position yet, as this is dependent on the pixel format */
-    blit->read  += blit->yread * blit->read_line;
-    blit->write += blit->ywrite * blit->write_line;
-    return 0;
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_mono_to_mono                                           */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_mono_to_mono( grBlitter*  blit,
-                           grColor     color )
-  {
-    unsigned int  shift;
-    int           left_clip, x, y;
-    byte*  read;
-    byte*  write;
-    (void)color;   /* unused argument */
-    left_clip = ( blit->xread > 0 );
-    shift     = (unsigned int)( blit->xwrite - blit->xread ) & 7;
-    read  = blit->read  + (blit->xread >> 3);
-    write = blit->write + (blit->xwrite >> 3);
-    if ( shift == 0 )
-    {
-      y = blit->height;
-      do
-      {
-        byte*  _read  = read;
-        byte*  _write = write;
-        x = blit->width;
-        do
-        {
-          *_write++ |= *_read++;
-          x -= 8;
-        } while ( x > 0 );
-        read  += blit->read_line;
-        write += blit->write_line;
-        y--;
-      } while ( y > 0 );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      int  first, last, count;
-      first = blit->xwrite >> 3;
-      last  = (blit->xwrite + blit->width-1) >> 3;
-      count = last - first;
-      if ( blit->right_clip )
-        count++;
-      y = blit->height;
-      do
-      {
-        unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-        unsigned char*  _write = write;
-        unsigned int    old;
-        unsigned int    shift2 = (8-shift);
-        if ( left_clip )
-          old = (unsigned int)(*_read++) << shift2;
-        else
-          old = 0;
-        x = count;
-        while ( x > 0 )
-        {
-          unsigned int  val = *_read++;
-          *_write++ |= (unsigned char)( (val >> shift) | old );
-          old = val << shift2;
-          x--;
-        }
-        if ( !blit->right_clip )
-          *_write |= (unsigned char)old;
-        read  += blit->read_line;
-        write += blit->write_line;
-        y--;
-      } while ( y > 0 );
-    }
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_mono_to_pal8                                           */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_mono_to_pal8( grBlitter*  blit,
-                           grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             x, y;
-    unsigned char*  write = blit->write + blit->xwrite;
-    unsigned char*  read  = blit->read  + ( blit->xread >> 3 );
-    unsigned int    mask  = 0x80 >> ( blit->xread & 7 );
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned int    _mask  = mask;
-      unsigned int     val   = *_read;
-      x = blit->width;
-      do
-      {
-        if ( !_mask )
-        {
-          val   = *++_read;
-          _mask = 0x80;
-        }
-        if ( val & _mask )
-          *_write = (unsigned char)color.value;
-        _mask >>= 1;
-        _write++;
-      } while ( --x > 0 );
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    } while ( y > 0 );
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_mono_to_pal4                                           */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_mono_to_pal4( grBlitter*  blit,
-                           grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             x, y;
-    unsigned char*  write = blit->write + ( blit->xwrite >> 1 );
-    unsigned int    phase = blit->xwrite & 1 ? 0x0F : 0xF0;
-    unsigned char*  read  = blit->read  + ( blit->xread >> 3 );
-    unsigned int    mask  = 0x80 >> ( blit->xread & 7 );
-    unsigned int    col = color.value | ( color.value << 4 );
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      unsigned int    _phase = phase;
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned int    _mask  = mask;
-      unsigned int     val   = *_read;
-      x = blit->width;
-      do
-      {
-        if ( !_mask )
-        {
-          val   = *++_read;
-          _mask = 0x80;
-        }
-        if ( val & _mask )
-          *_write = (unsigned char)( (col & _phase) | (*_write & ~_phase) );
-        _mask >>= 1;
-        _write += _phase & 1;
-        _phase  = ~_phase;
-        x--;
-      } while ( x > 0 );
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    } while ( y > 0 );
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_mono_to_rgb16                                          */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_mono_to_rgb16( grBlitter*  blit,
-                            grColor     color )
-  {
-    int              x, y;
-    unsigned char*   write = blit->write + blit->xwrite * 2;
-    unsigned char*   read  = blit->read  + ( blit->xread >> 3 );
-    unsigned int     mask  = 0x80 >> ( blit->xread & 7 );
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned short* _write = (unsigned short*)write;
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned int    _mask  = mask;
-      unsigned int     val   = *_read;
-      x = blit->width;
-      do
-      {
-        if ( !_mask )
-        {
-          val   = *++_read;
-          _mask = 0x80;
-        }
-        if ( val & _mask )
-          *_write = (unsigned short)color.value;
-        _mask >>= 1;
-        _write++;
-        x--;
-      } while ( x > 0 );
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    } while ( y > 0 );
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_mono_to_rgb24                                          */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_mono_to_rgb24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                            grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             x, y;
-    unsigned char*  write = blit->write + blit->xwrite * 3;
-    unsigned char*  read  = blit->read  + ( blit->xread >> 3 );
-    unsigned int    mask  = 0x80 >> ( blit->xread & 7 );
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned int    _mask  = mask;
-      unsigned int     val   = *_read;
-      x = blit->width;
-      do
-      {
-        if ( !_mask )
-        {
-          val   = *++_read;
-          _mask = 0x80;
-        }
-        if ( val & _mask )
-        {
-          _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-          _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-          _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-        }
-        _mask >>= 1;
-        _write += 3;
-        x--;
-      } while ( x > 0 );
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    } while ( y > 0 );
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_mono_to_rgb32                                          */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_mono_to_rgb32( grBlitter*  blit,
-                            grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             x, y;
-    unsigned char*  write = blit->write + blit->xwrite * 4;
-    unsigned char*  read  = blit->read  + ( blit->xread >> 3 );
-    unsigned int    mask  = 0x80 >> ( blit->xread & 7 );
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      uint32_t*       _write = (uint32_t*)write;
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned int    _mask  = mask;
-      unsigned int     val   = *_read;
-      x = blit->width;
-      do
-      {
-        if ( !_mask )
-        {
-          val   = *++_read;
-          _mask = 0x80;
-        }
-        if ( val & _mask )
-          *_write = color.value;
-        _mask >>= 1;
-        _write++;
-        x--;
-      } while ( x > 0 );
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    } while ( y > 0 );
-  }
-  static
-  const grBlitterFunc  gr_mono_blitters[gr_pixel_mode_max] =
-  {
-    0,
-    blit_mono_to_mono,
-    blit_mono_to_pal4,
-    blit_mono_to_pal8,
-    blit_mono_to_pal8,
-    blit_mono_to_rgb16,
-    blit_mono_to_rgb16,
-    blit_mono_to_rgb24,
-    blit_mono_to_rgb32
-  };
-  /*******************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                 */
-  /*                    Saturation tables                            */
-  /*                                                                 */
-  /*******************************************************************/
-  typedef struct grSaturation_
-  {
-    int          count;
-    const byte*  table;
-  } grSaturation;
-  static
-  const byte  gr_saturation_5[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
-  static
-  const byte  gr_saturation_17[32] =
-  {
-     0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
-    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
-  };
-  static
-  grSaturation  gr_saturations[ GR_MAX_SATURATIONS ] =
-  {
-    {  5, gr_saturation_5  },
-    { 17, gr_saturation_17 }
-  };
-  static
-  int  gr_num_saturations = 2;
-  static
-  grSaturation*  gr_last_saturation = gr_saturations;
-  static const byte*
-  grGetSaturation( int  num_grays )
-  {
-    /* first of all, scan the current saturations table */
-    grSaturation*  sat   = gr_saturations;
-    grSaturation*  limit = sat + gr_num_saturations;
-    if ( num_grays < 2 )
-    {
-      grError = gr_err_bad_argument;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    for ( ; sat < limit; sat++ )
-    {
-      if ( sat->count == num_grays )
-      {
-        gr_last_saturation = sat;
-        return sat->table;
-      }
-    }
-    /* not found, simply create a new entry if there is room */
-    if (gr_num_saturations < GR_MAX_SATURATIONS)
-    {
-      int    i;
-      byte*  table;
-      table = (byte*)malloc( (size_t)( 3 * num_grays - 1 ) * sizeof ( byte ) );
-      if (!table)
-        return NULL;
-      sat->count = num_grays;
-      sat->table = table;
-      for ( i = 0; i < num_grays; i++ )
-        table[i] = (byte)i;
-      memset( table+num_grays, num_grays-1, 2*num_grays-1 );
-      gr_num_saturations++;
-      gr_last_saturation = sat;
-      return table;
-    }
-    grError = gr_err_saturation_overflow;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  /*******************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                 */
-  /*                    conversion tables                            */
-  /*                                                                 */
-  /*******************************************************************/
-  typedef struct grConversion_
-  {
-    int          target_grays;
-    int          source_grays;
-    const byte*  table;
-  } grConversion;
-  static
-  const byte  gr_gray5_to_gray17[5] = { 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 };
-  static
-  const byte  gr_gray5_to_gray128[5] = { 0, 32, 64, 96, 127 };
-  static
-  const byte  gr_gray17_to_gray128[17] =
-  {
-    0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 127
-  };
-  static
-  grConversion  gr_conversions[ GR_MAX_CONVERSIONS ] =
-  {
-    {  17,  5, gr_gray5_to_gray17   },
-    { 128,  5, gr_gray5_to_gray128  },
-    { 128, 17, gr_gray17_to_gray128 }
-  };
-  static
-  int  gr_num_conversions = 3;
-  static
-  grConversion*  gr_last_conversion = gr_conversions;
-  static const byte*
-  grGetConversion( int  target_grays,
-                   int  source_grays )
-  {
-    grConversion*  conv  = gr_conversions;
-    grConversion*  limit = conv + gr_num_conversions;
-    if ( target_grays < 2 || source_grays < 2 )
-    {
-      grError = gr_err_bad_argument;
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    /* otherwise, scan table */
-    for ( ; conv < limit; conv++ )
-    {
-      if ( conv->target_grays == target_grays &&
-           conv->source_grays == source_grays )
-      {
-        gr_last_conversion = conv;
-        return conv->table;
-      }
-    }
-    /* not found, add a new conversion to the table */
-    if (gr_num_conversions < GR_MAX_CONVERSIONS)
-    {
-      byte*  table;
-      int    n;
-      table = (byte*)malloc( (size_t)source_grays * sizeof ( byte ) );
-      if (!table)
-        return NULL;
-      conv->target_grays = target_grays;
-      conv->source_grays = source_grays;
-      conv->table        = table;
-      for ( n = 0; n < source_grays; n++ )
-        table[n] = (byte)(n*(target_grays-1) / (source_grays-1));
-      gr_num_conversions++;
-      gr_last_conversion = conv;
-      return table;
-    }
-    grError = gr_err_conversion_overflow;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_gray_to_gray                                           */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_gray_to_gray( grBlitter*   blit,
-                           const byte*  saturation,
-                           const byte*  conversion )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    int  max = blit->source.grays - 1;
-    int  max2 = blit-target.grays - 1;
-    read  = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write = blit->write + blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val == max)
-            *_write = (byte)max2;
-          else
-            *_write = saturation[ (int)*_write + conversion[ *_read ] ];
-        }
-        *_write = saturation[ (int)*_write + conversion[ *_read ] ];
-        _write++;
-        _read++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_gray_to_gray_simple                                    */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_gray_to_gray_simple( grBlitter*   blit,
-                                  const byte*  saturation )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    int  max = blit->source.grays - 1;
-    read  = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write = blit->write + blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val == max)
-            *_write = val;
-          else
-            *_write = saturation[ (int)*_write + *_read ];
-        }
-        *_write = saturation[ (int)*_write + *_read ];
-        _write++;
-        _read++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-#define compose_pixel_full( a, b, n0, n1, n2, max )    \
-  do                                                   \
-  {                                                    \
-    int  d, half = max >> 1;                           \
-                                                       \
-                                                       \
-    d = (int)b.chroma[0] - a.chroma[0];                \
-    a.chroma[0] += (unsigned char)((n0*d + half)/max); \
-                                                       \
-    d = (int)b.chroma[1] - a.chroma[1];                \
-    a.chroma[1] += (unsigned char)((n1*d + half)/max); \
-                                                       \
-    d = (int)b.chroma[2] - a.chroma[2];                \
-    a.chroma[2] += (unsigned char)((n2*d + half)/max); \
-  } while ( 0 )
-#define compose_pixel( a, b, n, max )  \
-    compose_pixel_full( a, b, n, n, n, max )
-#define extract555( pixel, color )                           \
-   color.chroma[0] = (unsigned char)((pixel >> 10) & 0x1F);  \
-   color.chroma[1] = (unsigned char)((pixel >>  5) & 0x1F);  \
-   color.chroma[2] = (unsigned char)((pixel      ) & 0x1F)
-#define extract565( pixel, color )                           \
-   color.chroma[0] = (unsigned char)((pixel >> 11) & 0x1F);  \
-   color.chroma[1] = (unsigned char)((pixel >>  5) & 0x3F);  \
-   color.chroma[2] = (unsigned char)((pixel      ) & 0x1F)
-#define inject555( color )                          \
-   (unsigned short)( ( color.chroma[0] << 10 ) |    \
-                     ( color.chroma[1] <<  5 ) |    \
-                       color.chroma[2]           )
-#define inject565( color )                          \
-   (unsigned short)( ( color.chroma[0] << 11 ) |    \
-                     ( color.chroma[1] <<  5 ) |    \
-                       color.chroma[2]           )
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_gray_to_555                                            */
-/*                                                                        */
-#ifdef GRAY8
-  static
-  void  blit_gray8_to_555( grBlitter*  blit,
-                           grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    int             sr = color.value & 0x7C00;
-    int             sg = color.value & 0x03E0;
-    int             sb = color.value & 0x001F;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 2*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*   _read  = read;
-      unsigned short*  _write = (unsigned short*)write;
-      int              x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        unsigned char  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val >= 254 )
-            *_write = (unsigned short)( sr | sg | sb );
-          else if ( val >= 2 )
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            int   pix = (int)*_write;
-            int   dr  = pix & 0x7C00;
-            int   dg  = pix & 0x03E0;
-            int   db  = pix & 0x001F;
-            dr += ((sr-dr)*val) >> 8;
-            dr &= 0x7C00;
-            dg += ((sg-dg)*val) >> 8;
-            dg &= 0x03E0;
-            db += ((sb-db)*val) >> 8;
-            db &= 0x001F;
-            *_write = (unsigned short)( dr | dg | db );
-          }
-        }
-        _write ++;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-#endif /* GRAY8 */
-  static
-  void  blit_gray_to_555( grBlitter*  blit,
-                          grColor     color,
-                          int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 2*blit->xwrite;
-    /* scale down R:G:B triplet */
-    color.chroma[0] >>= 3;
-    color.chroma[1] >>= 3;
-    color.chroma[2] >>= 3;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*   _read  = read;
-      unsigned short*  _write = (unsigned short*)write;
-      int              x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val == max)
-            *_write = inject555( color );
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            unsigned short  pix16 = *_write;
-            grColor         pix;
-            extract555( pix16, pix );
-            compose_pixel( pix, color, val, max );
-            *_write = inject555( pix );
-          }
-        }
-        _write ++;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_gray_to_565                                            */
-/*                                                                        */
-#ifdef GRAY8
-  static
-  void  blit_gray8_to_565( grBlitter*  blit,
-                           grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    int             sr = color.value & 0xF800;
-    int             sg = color.value & 0x07E0;
-    int             sb = color.value & 0x001F;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 2*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*   _read  = read;
-      unsigned short*  _write = (unsigned short*)write;
-      int              x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        unsigned char  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val >= 254 )
-            *_write = (unsigned short)( sr | sg | sb );
-          else if ( val >= 2 )
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            int   pix = (int)*_write;
-            int   dr  = pix & 0xF800;
-            int   dg  = pix & 0x07E0;
-            int   db  = pix & 0x001F;
-            dr += ((sr-dr)*val) >> 8;
-            dr &= 0xF800;
-            dg += ((sg-dg)*val) >> 8;
-            dg &= 0x07E0;
-            db += ((sb-db)*val) >> 8;
-            db &= 0x001F;
-            *_write = (unsigned short)( dr | dg | db );
-          }
-        }
-        _write ++;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-  static
-  void  blit_gray_to_565( grBlitter*  blit,
-                          grColor     color,
-                          int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 2*blit->xwrite;
-    /* scale down R:G:B triplet */
-    color.chroma[0] >>= 3;
-    color.chroma[1] >>= 2;
-    color.chroma[2] >>= 3;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*   _read  = read;
-      unsigned short*  _write = (unsigned short*)write;
-      int              x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val == max)
-            *_write = inject565( color );
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            unsigned short  pix16 = *_write;
-            grColor         pix;
-            extract565( pix16, pix );
-            compose_pixel( pix, color, val, max );
-            *_write = inject565( pix );
-          }
-        }
-        _write ++;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_gray_to_24                                             */
-/*                                                                        */
-#ifdef GRAY8
-  static void
-  blit_gray8_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                    grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    int             sr = color.chroma[0];
-    int             sg = color.chroma[1];
-    int             sb = color.chroma[2];
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        unsigned char  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val >= 254)
-          {
-            _write[0] = (unsigned char)sr;
-            _write[1] = (unsigned char)sg;
-            _write[2] = (unsigned char)sb;
-          }
-          else if ( val >= 2 )
-          {
-            int  dr = _write[0];
-            int  dg = _write[1];
-            int  db = _write[2];
-            dr += ((sr-dr)*val) >> 8;
-            dg += ((sg-dg)*val) >> 8;
-            db += ((sb-db)*val) >> 8;
-            _write[0] = (unsigned char)dr;
-            _write[1] = (unsigned char)dg;
-            _write[2] = (unsigned char)db;
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-#endif /* GRAY8 */
-  static
-  void  blit_gray_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                         grColor     color,
-                         int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val == max)
-          {
-            _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            grColor pix;
-            pix.chroma[0] = _write[0];
-            pix.chroma[1] = _write[1];
-            pix.chroma[2] = _write[2];
-            compose_pixel( pix, color, val, max );
-            _write[0] = pix.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = pix.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = pix.chroma[2];
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_gray_to_32                                             */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static
-  void  blit_gray_to_32( grBlitter*  blit,
-                         grColor     color,
-                         int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 4*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val = *_read;
-        if (val)
-        {
-          if (val == max)
-          {
-            _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-            _write[3] = color.chroma[3];
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            grColor pix;
-            pix.chroma[0] = _write[0];
-            pix.chroma[1] = _write[1];
-            pix.chroma[2] = _write[2];
-            compose_pixel( pix, color, val, max );
-            _write[0] = pix.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = pix.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = pix.chroma[2];
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 4;
-        _read  ++;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-  static
-  void  blit_gray8_to_32( grBlitter*  blit,
-                          grColor     color )
-  {
-    blit_gray_to_32( blit, color, 255 );
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_lcd_to_24                                              */
-/*                                                                        */
-#ifdef GRAY8
-  static void
-  blit_lcd8_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                   grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    int             sr = color.chroma[0];
-    int             sg = color.chroma[1];
-    int             sb = color.chroma[2];
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + 3*blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val0 = _read[0];
-        int  val1 = _read[1];
-        int  val2 = _read[2];
-        if ( val0 | val1 | val2 )
-        {
-          if ( val0 == val1 &&
-               val0 == val2 &&
-               val0 == 255  )
-          {
-            _write[0] = (unsigned char)sr;
-            _write[1] = (unsigned char)sg;
-            _write[2] = (unsigned char)sb;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            int   dr, dg, db;
-            dr  = _write[0];
-            dr += (sr-dr)*val0 >> 8;
-            dg  = _write[1];
-            dg += (sg-dg)*val1 >> 8;
-            db  = _write[2];
-            db += (sb-db)*val2 >> 8;
-            _write[0] = (unsigned char)dr;
-            _write[1] = (unsigned char)dg;
-            _write[2] = (unsigned char)db;
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  += 3;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-#endif /* GRAY8 */
-  static void
-  blit_lcd_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                  grColor     color,
-                  int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + 3*blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val0 = _read[0];
-        int  val1 = _read[1];
-        int  val2 = _read[2];
-        if ( val0 | val1 | val2 )
-        {
-          if ( val0 == val1 &&
-               val0 == val2 &&
-               val0 == max  )
-          {
-            _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            grColor pix;
-            pix.chroma[0] = _write[0];
-            pix.chroma[1] = _write[1];
-            pix.chroma[2] = _write[2];
-            compose_pixel_full( pix, color, val0, val1, val2, max );
-            _write[0] = pix.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = pix.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = pix.chroma[2];
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  += 3;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-#ifdef GRAY8
-  static void
-  blit_lcd28_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                    grColor     color )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    int             sr = color.chroma[0];
-    int             sg = color.chroma[1];
-    int             sb = color.chroma[2];
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + 3*blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val0 = _read[2];
-        int  val1 = _read[1];
-        int  val2 = _read[0];
-        if ( val0 | val1 | val2 )
-        {
-          if ( val0 == val1 &&
-               val0 == val2 &&
-               val0 == 255  )
-          {
-            _write[0] = (unsigned char)sr;
-            _write[1] = (unsigned char)sg;
-            _write[2] = (unsigned char)sb;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            int   dr, dg, db;
-            dr  = _write[0];
-            dr += (sr-dr)*val0 >> 8;
-            dg  = _write[1];
-            dg += (sg-dg)*val1 >> 8;
-            db  = _write[2];
-            db += (sb-db)*val2 >> 8;
-            _write[0] = (unsigned char)dr;
-            _write[1] = (unsigned char)dg;
-            _write[2] = (unsigned char)db;
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  += 3;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-#endif /* GRAY8 */
-  static void
-  blit_lcd2_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                   grColor     color,
-                   int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    read   = blit->read  + 3*blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val0 = _read[2];
-        int  val1 = _read[1];
-        int  val2 = _read[0];
-        if ( val0 | val1 | val2 )
-        {
-          if ( val0 == val1 &&
-               val0 == val2 &&
-               val0 == max  )
-          {
-            _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            grColor pix;
-            pix.chroma[0] = _write[0];
-            pix.chroma[1] = _write[1];
-            pix.chroma[2] = _write[2];
-            compose_pixel_full( pix, color, val0, val1, val2, max );
-            _write[0] = pix.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = pix.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = pix.chroma[2];
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  += 3;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += blit->read_line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-/*                                                                        */
-/* <Function> blit_lcdv_to_24                                             */
-/*                                                                        */
-  static void
-  blit_lcdv_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                   grColor     color,
-                   int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    long            line;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    line   = blit->read_line;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val0 = _read[0*line];
-        int  val1 = _read[1*line];
-        int  val2 = _read[2*line];
-        if ( val0 | val1 | val2 )
-        {
-          if ( val0 == val1 &&
-               val0 == val2 &&
-               val0 == max  )
-          {
-            _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            grColor pix;
-            pix.chroma[0] = _write[0];
-            pix.chroma[1] = _write[1];
-            pix.chroma[2] = _write[2];
-            compose_pixel_full( pix, color, val0, val1, val2, max );
-            _write[0] = pix.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = pix.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = pix.chroma[2];
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  += 1;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += 3*line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-  static void
-  blit_lcdv2_to_24( grBlitter*  blit,
-                    grColor     color,
-                    int         max )
-  {
-    int             y;
-    unsigned char*  read;
-    unsigned char*  write;
-    long            line;
-    read   = blit->read  + blit->xread;
-    write  = blit->write + 3*blit->xwrite;
-    line   = blit->read_line;
-    y = blit->height;
-    do
-    {
-      unsigned char*  _read  = read;
-      unsigned char*  _write = write;
-      int             x      = blit->width;
-      while (x > 0)
-      {
-        int  val0 = _read[2*line];
-        int  val1 = _read[1*line];
-        int  val2 = _read[0*line];
-        if ( val0 | val1 | val2 )
-        {
-          if ( val0 == val1 &&
-               val0 == val2 &&
-               val0 == max  )
-          {
-            _write[0] = color.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = color.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = color.chroma[2];
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            /* compose gray value */
-            grColor pix;
-            pix.chroma[0] = _write[0];
-            pix.chroma[1] = _write[1];
-            pix.chroma[2] = _write[2];
-            compose_pixel_full( pix, color, val0, val1, val2, max );
-            _write[0] = pix.chroma[0];
-            _write[1] = pix.chroma[1];
-            _write[2] = pix.chroma[2];
-          }
-        }
-        _write += 3;
-        _read  += 1;
-        x--;
-      }
-      read  += 3*line;
-      write += blit->write_line;
-      y--;
-    }
-    while (y > 0);
-  }
-  typedef  void (*grColorGlyphBlitter)( grBlitter*  blit,
-                                        grColor     color,
-                                        int         max_gray );
-  static
-  const grColorGlyphBlitter  gr_color_blitters[gr_pixel_mode_max] =
-  {
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    blit_gray_to_555,
-    blit_gray_to_565,
-    blit_gray_to_24,
-    blit_gray_to_32
-  };
-#ifdef GRAY8
-  typedef  void (*grGray8GlyphBlitter)( grBlitter*  blit,
-                                        grColor     color );
-  static
-  const grGray8GlyphBlitter  gr_gray8_blitters[gr_pixel_mode_max] =
-  {
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    0,
-    blit_gray8_to_555,
-    blit_gray8_to_565,
-    blit_gray8_to_24,
-    blit_gray8_to_32
-  };
-  int
-  grBlitGlyphToBitmap( grBitmap*  target,
-                       grBitmap*  glyph,
-                       grPos      x,
-                       grPos      y,
-                       grColor    color )
-  {
-    grBlitter    blit;
-    grPixelMode  mode;
-    /* check arguments */
-    if ( !target || !glyph )
-    {
-      grError = gr_err_bad_argument;
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if ( !glyph->rows || !glyph->width )
-    {
-      /* nothing to do */
-      return 0;
-    }
-    /* set up blitter and compute clipping.  Return immediately if needed */
-    blit.source = *glyph;
- = *target;
-    mode        = target->mode;
-    if ( compute_clips( &blit, x, y ) )
-      return 0;
-    switch ( glyph->mode )
-    {
-    case gr_pixel_mode_mono:     /* handle monochrome bitmap blitting */
-      if ( mode <= gr_pixel_mode_none || mode >= gr_pixel_mode_max )
-      {
-        grError = gr_err_bad_source_depth;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      gr_mono_blitters[mode]( &blit, color );
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_gray:
-      if ( glyph->grays > 1 )
-      {
-        int          target_grays = target->grays;
-        int          source_grays = glyph->grays;
-        const byte*  saturation;
-        if ( mode == gr_pixel_mode_gray && target_grays > 1 )
-        {
-          /* rendering into a gray target - use special composition */
-          /* routines..                                             */
-          if ( gr_last_saturation->count == target_grays )
-            saturation = gr_last_saturation->table;
-          else
-          {
-            saturation = grGetSaturation( target_grays );
-            if ( !saturation )
-              return -3;
-          }
-          if ( target_grays == source_grays )
-            blit_gray_to_gray_simple( &blit, saturation );
-          else
-          {
-            const byte*  conversion;
-            if ( gr_last_conversion->target_grays == target_grays &&
-                 gr_last_conversion->source_grays == source_grays )
-              conversion = gr_last_conversion->table;
-            else
-            {
-              conversion = grGetConversion( target_grays, source_grays );
-              if ( !conversion )
-                return -3;
-            }
-            blit_gray_to_gray( &blit, saturation, conversion );
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          /* rendering into a color target */
-          if ( mode <= gr_pixel_mode_gray ||
-               mode >= gr_pixel_mode_max  )
-          {
-            grError = gr_err_bad_target_depth;
-            return -1;
-          }
-#ifdef GRAY8
-          if ( source_grays == 256 )
-            gr_gray8_blitters[mode]( &blit, color );
-          else
-#endif /* GRAY8 */
-          gr_color_blitters[mode]( &blit, color, source_grays - 1 );
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcd:
-      if ( mode == gr_pixel_mode_rgb24 )
-      {
-#ifdef GRAY8
-        if ( glyph->grays == 256 )
-          blit_lcd8_to_24( &blit, color );
-        else
-        if ( glyph->grays > 1 )
-          blit_lcd_to_24( &blit, color, glyph->grays-1 );
-      }
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcdv:
-      if ( glyph->grays > 1 && mode == gr_pixel_mode_rgb24 )
-      {
-        blit_lcdv_to_24( &blit, color, glyph->grays-1 );
-        break;
-      }
-      /* fall through */
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcd2:
-      if ( mode == gr_pixel_mode_rgb24 )
-      {
-#ifdef GRAY8
-        if ( glyph->grays == 256 )
-          blit_lcd28_to_24( &blit, color );
-        else
-        if ( glyph->grays > 1 )
-          blit_lcd2_to_24( &blit, color, glyph->grays-1 );
-      }
-      break;
-    case gr_pixel_mode_lcdv2:
-      if ( mode == gr_pixel_mode_rgb24 )
-      {
-        if ( glyph->grays > 1 )
-          blit_lcdv2_to_24( &blit, color, glyph->grays-1 );
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      /* we don't support the blitting of bitmaps of the following  */
-      /* types : pal4, pal8, rgb555, rgb565, rgb24, rgb32           */
-      /*                                                            */
-      grError = gr_err_bad_source_depth;
-      return -2;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  void
-  grBlitClean( void )
-  {
-    while ( gr_num_saturations > 2 )
-      free( (byte*)gr_saturations[gr_num_saturations--].table );
-    while ( gr_num_conversions > 3 )
-      free( (byte*)gr_conversions[gr_num_conversions--].table );
-  }
-/* End */
diff --git a/graph/grblit.h b/graph/grblit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e520b8f..0000000
--- a/graph/grblit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                          */
-/*  The FreeType project -- a free and portable quality TrueType renderer.  */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*  Copyright (C) 1996-2021 by                                              */
-/*  D. Turner, R.Wilhelm, and W. Lemberg                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*  blitter.h: Support for blitting of bitmaps with various depth.          */
-/*                                                                          */
-#ifndef GRBLIT_H_
-#define GRBLIT_H_
-#include "grobjs.h"
-  int  grBlitMono( grBitmap*  target,
-                   grBitmap*  source,
-                   int        x_offset,
-                   int        y_offset,
-                   grColor    color );
-#endif /* GRBLIT_H_ */
-/* End */
diff --git a/graph/grconfig.h b/graph/grconfig.h
index c353566..00e439d 100644
--- a/graph/grconfig.h
+++ b/graph/grconfig.h
@@ -2,7 +2,5 @@
 #define GRCONFIG_H_
 #define GR_FONT_SIZE        14
 #endif /* GRCONFIG_H_ */
diff --git a/graph/grfont.c b/graph/grfont.c
index 4f6275a..0482cc3 100644
--- a/graph/grfont.c
+++ b/graph/grfont.c
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
     gr_charcell.buffer = font[charcode];
-    grBlitGlyphToBitmap( target, &gr_charcell, x, y, color );
+    grBlitGlyphToSurface( (grSurface*)target, &gr_charcell, x, y, color );
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
     while ( *string )
       gr_charcell.buffer = font[*(unsigned char*)string++];
-      grBlitGlyphToBitmap( target, &gr_charcell, x, y, color );
+      grBlitGlyphToSurface( (grSurface*)target, &gr_charcell, x, y, color );
       x += 8;
diff --git a/graph/ b/graph/
index 3ebe085..82dc4a0 100644
--- a/graph/
+++ b/graph/
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ graph_sources = files([
-  'grblit.c',
-  'grblit.h',
diff --git a/graph/ b/graph/
index e8fa610..a11797f 100644
--- a/graph/
+++ b/graph/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ GRAPH_H := $(GRAPH)/gblany.h    \
            $(GRAPH)/gblblit.h   \
            $(GRAPH)/gblender.h  \
            $(GRAPH)/graph.h     \
-           $(GRAPH)/grblit.h    \
            $(GRAPH)/grconfig.h  \
            $(GRAPH)/grdevice.h  \
            $(GRAPH)/grevents.h  \
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ GRAPH_H := $(GRAPH)/gblany.h    \
 GRAPH_OBJS := $(OBJ_DIR_2)/gblblit.$(O)   \
               $(OBJ_DIR_2)/gblender.$(O)  \
-              $(OBJ_DIR_2)/grblit.$(O)    \
               $(OBJ_DIR_2)/grdevice.$(O)  \
               $(OBJ_DIR_2)/grfill.$(O)    \
               $(OBJ_DIR_2)/grfont.$(O)    \
diff --git a/ b/
index f0cbbee..9092dec 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ OBJDIR = [.objs]
 # include paths
 INCLUDES = /include=([-.freetype2.include],[.graph],[.src])
-GRAPHOBJ = $(OBJDIR)grblit.obj,  \
-           $(OBJDIR)grobjs.obj,  \
+GRAPHOBJ = $(OBJDIR)grobjs.obj,  \
            $(OBJDIR)grfont.obj,  \
            $(OBJDIR)grinit.obj,  \
@@ -112,8 +111,7 @@ GRAPHOBJ = $(OBJDIR)grblit.obj,  \
            $(OBJDIR)gblender.obj, \
-GRAPHOBJ64 = $(OBJDIR)grblit_64.obj,  \
-           $(OBJDIR)grobjs_64.obj,  \
+GRAPHOBJ64 = $(OBJDIR)grobjs_64.obj,  \
            $(OBJDIR)grfont_64.obj,  \
            $(OBJDIR)grinit_64.obj,  \
@@ -272,7 +270,6 @@ $(OBJDIR)ftmemchk.obj  : $(SRCDIR)ftmemchk.c
 $(OBJDIR)ftdump.obj    : $(SRCDIR)ftdump.c
 $(OBJDIR)testname.obj  : $(SRCDIR)testname.c
 $(OBJDIR)ftview.obj    : $(SRCDIR)ftview.c
-$(OBJDIR)grblit.obj    : $(GRAPHSRC)grblit.c
 $(OBJDIR)grobjs.obj    : $(GRAPHSRC)grobjs.c
 $(OBJDIR)grfont.obj    : $(GRAPHSRC)grfont.c
 $(OBJDIR)gblender.obj  : $(GRAPHSRC)gblender.c

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