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Re: [Devel] Getting accurate advances

From: David Bevan
Subject: Re: [Devel] Getting accurate advances
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:11:00 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02

Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Other similar code (producing rounded x_scale values) can be found
at ftobjs.c line 2081

Do you mean this (y components omitted)?

  FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( FT_Face  face,
FT_UInt pixel_width, FT_UInt pixel_height )
    metrics->x_ppem = (FT_UShort)pixel_width;

    if ( face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE )
      metrics->x_scale = FT_DivFix( metrics->x_ppem << 6,
                                    face->units_per_EM );

      ft_recompute_scaled_metrics( face, metrics );

Isn't this already correct?  Here, x_ppem is indeed an integer value.

pfrdrivr.c line 102,

Probably yes, but I have no idea how PFR fonts work.

and ttdriver.c line 224.

Mhm, rather no.  This code modifies the x_scale value for the hinting
engine only, as far as I can see.  It doesn't influence

Thansk for your feedback.

However, I think your responses explain why I'm unwilling to change the calculation of x_scale. I don't know why x_scale is set to different values in different contexts or what uses are made of it after it is set.
So, I don't know why you think FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes() is correct, or why 
ttdrivr doesn't need changing, or why you guess that the pfrdrivr code 
should be changed (though I can't actually see how it could be changed).
All I do know is that x_scale is used in various ways and that the value 
stored in it isn't currently acceptable for calculating linearHoriAdvance.
And I worry that if there's a good reason for x_ppem to be rounded to 
the nearest pixel (for hinting to work correctly?), then perhaps it's 
important that the scale factor is adjusted (as it is) to match the 
adjusted x_ppem.
I'm sorry I can't really help you much more than to point out the 
problem, but I don't understand very much about the innards of FreeType.
For now I think I may just stick with my work-around.

Anyone else got any views on this?

David %^>

 David Bevan, Emtex Ltd.
 Emtex House, Station Road, Kings Langley, Herts. WD4 8LH England
 Tel:    +44 (0)1923 270882
 E-mail: address@hidden

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