diff --git a/include/freetype/fterrdef.h b/include/freetype/fterrdef.h index 6a6dc85b8..03fcf28d7 100644 --- a/include/freetype/fterrdef.h +++ b/include/freetype/fterrdef.h @@ -276,5 +276,284 @@ /* */ + /* A6000 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_A_ExceptionUnhandled, 0x0100, + "An exception occurred during rasterization testing" ) + /* E6000 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_3_USED_FOR_PERIOD, 0x0101, + "Reserved value of 3 used for period" ) + /* E6001 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_BITS_10_AND_13_SET, 0x0102, + "Bits 10 and 13 are set, they are mutually exclusive" ) + /* E6002 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_BITS_8_AND_11_SET, 0x0103, + "Bits 8 and 11 are set, they are mutually exclusive" ) + /* E6003 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_BITS_9_AND_12_SET, 0x0104, + "Bits 9 and 12 are set, they are mutually exclusive" ) + /* E6004 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_CONTOUR_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0105, + "Contour out of range" ) + /* E6005 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_CVT_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0106, + "CVT Out of range" ) + /* E6006 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, 0x0107, + "Divide by zero" ) + /* E6007 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_EIF_WITHOUT_IF, 0x0108, + "EIF found without IF" ) + /* E6008 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_ELSE_WITHOUT_EIF, 0x0109, + "ELSE found without EIF" ) + /* E6009 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_ELSE_WITHOUT_IF, 0x010A, + "ELSE found without IF" ) + /* E6010 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_ENDF_BEYOND_64K_OF_FDEF, 0x010B, + "ENDF beyond 64K of FDEF" ) + /* E6011 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_ENDF_BEYOND_64K_OF_IDEF, 0x010C, + "ENDF beyond 64K of IDEF" ) + /* E6012 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_ENDF_EXECUTED, 0x010D, + "ENDF found without FDEF or IDEF" ) + /* E6013 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_EXCEEDS_INSTR_DEFS_IN_MAXP, 0x010E, + "IDEF exceeds max instruction defs in maxp" ) + /* E6014 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FDEF_FOUND_IN_FDEF, 0x010F, + "FDEF found within FDEF - ENDF pair" ) + /* E6015 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FDEF_FOUND_IN_IDEF, 0x0110, + "FDEF found within IDEF - ENDF pair" ) + /* E6016 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FDEF_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0111, + "FDEF out of range" ) + /* E6017 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FDEF_SPACE_NOT_DEFINED, 0x0112, + "Function definition space not defined" ) + /* E6018 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FDEF_WITHOUT_ENDF, 0x0113, + "FDEF found without ENDF" ) + /* E6019 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FUCOORDINATE_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0114, + "Funit coordinate out of range must be -16384 .. 16383" ) + /* E6020 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED, 0x0115, + "Function not defined" ) + /* E6021 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_IDEF_FOUND_IN_FDEF, 0x0116, + "IDEF found within FDEF - ENDF pair" ) + /* E6022 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_IDEF_FOUND_IN_IDEF, 0x0117, + "IDEF found within IDEF - ENDF pair" ) + /* E6023 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_IDEF_WITHOUT_ENDF, 0x0118, + "IDEF found without ENDF" ) + /* E6024 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_IF_WITHOUT_EIF, 0x0119, + "IF found without corresponding EIF" ) + /* E6025 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INST_OPCODE_TO_LARGE, 0x011A, + "Instruction OpCode is to large. Must be between 0 and 255" ) + /* E6026 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INSTR_DEFD_BY_FS, 0x011B, + "Instruction already defined by rasterizer" ) + /* E6027 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_FLAG, 0x011C, + "Invalid Instruction flag" ) + /* E6028 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_INSTRUCTION, 0x011D, + "Invalid Instruction" ) + /* E6029 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_MAXZONES_IN_MAXP, 0x011E, + "Invalid maxZones in maxp table" ) + /* E6030 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_STACK_ACCESS, 0x011F, + "Attempt to access stack element out of range" ) + /* E6031 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_ZONE, 0x0120, + "Invalid zone" ) + /* E6032 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_ZONE_IN_IUP, 0x0121, + "ZP2 in IUP does not point to zone 1" ) + /* E6033 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_INVALID_ZONE_NO_TWI, 0x0122, + "No twilight zone defined. Invalid zone" ) + /* E6034 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_JMP_BEFORE_BEGINNING, 0x0123, + "Jump before beginning of program or function" ) + /* E6035 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_JMP_BEYOND_2MORE_THAN_END, 0x0124, + "Jump beyond 2 bytes past end of function or program" ) + /* E6036 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_MATH_OVERFLOW, 0x0125, + "Math overflow" ) + /* E6037 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_NOT_CALLED_FROM_PREPROGRAM, 0x0126, + "Not called from pre-program" ) + /* E6038 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_OVERFLOW_INST_PTR, 0x0127, + "Overflow Instruction Stream" ) + /* E6039 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_POINT_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0128, + "Point out of range" ) + /* E6040 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_PREPROGAM_ZONE_NOT_TWI, 0x0129, + "Zone referenced in pre-program is not the twilight zone" ) + /* E6041 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_REFPOINT_USED_BUT_NOT_SET, 0x012A, + "Reference point used but not set" ) + /* E6042 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_RESERVED_BIT_SET, 0x012B, + "At least one reserved bit is set" ) + /* E6043 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_RP1_RP2_SAME_POS_ON_PROJ, 0x012C, + "RP1 and RP2 have the same position on the projection vector" ) + /* E6044 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_SELECTOR_INVALID, 0x012D, + "Selector invalid" ) + /* E6045 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_STACK_OVERFLOW, 0x012E, + "Stack Overflow" ) + /* E6046 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_STACK_UNDERFLOW, 0x012F, + "Stack Underflow" ) + /* E6047 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_STORAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0130, + "Storage index out of range" ) + /* E6048 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_STORE_INDEX_NOT_WRITTEN_TO, 0x0131, + "Storage location not written to" ) + /* E6049 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_TWILIGHT_ZONE_PT_NOT_SET, 0x0132, + "Twilight zone point not set" ) + /* E6050 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VALUE_INVALID_0_OR_1, 0x0133, + "Value invalid should be 0 or 1" ) + /* E6051 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VALUE_INVALID_0_OR_2, 0x0134, + "Value invalid should be 0 or 2" ) + /* E6052 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, 0x0135, + "Value out of range" ) + /* E6053 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VALUE_TO_LARGE_FOR_INT16, 0x0136, + "Value exceeds capacity of 2 byte number" ) + /* E6054 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VALUE_TO_LARGE_FOR_INT8, 0x0137, + "Value exceeds capacity of 1 byte number" ) + /* E6055 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VALUE_TO_SMALL, 0x0138, + "Value too small" ) + /* E6056 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VECTOR_XY_INVALID, 0x0139, + "X and Y components of vector are invalid. X^2 + Y^2 != 0x4000^2" ) + /* E6057 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_VECTOR_XY_ZERO, 0x013A, + "X and Y components of vector are 0" ) + /* E6058 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_ZONE_NOT_0_NOR_1, 0x013B, + "Zone not 0 nor 1" ) + /* E6059 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_rasterization, 0x013C, + "Could not perform rasterization" ) + /* E6070 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FT_EXECUTION_TOO_LONG, 0x013D, + "Execution time too long and exceeds dynamic limit" ) + /* E6071 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FT_EXECUTION_TOO_LONG_BACKWARD_JUMP, 0x013E, + "Execution time too long and exceeds dynamic limit in backward jump" ) + /* E6072 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_E_FT_DEF_IN_GLYF, 0x013F, + "FDEF or IDEF should be in fpgm and prep only, not in glyf" ) + /* P6000 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_P_rasterization, 0x0140, + "No problems were found during rasterization testing" ) + /* W6000 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_APPLE_ONLY_INSTR, 0x0141, + "GETVARIATION, GETDATA (Apple-specific) or IDEFs at opcode 0x91,0x92" ) + /* W6001 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_CALL_ZERO_LEN_FUNC, 0x0142, + "CALL to zero length function" ) + /* W6002 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_CALL_ZERO_LEN_UD_INSTR, 0x0143, + "Call to zero length user defined instruction" ) + /* W6003 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_DEBUG_FOUND, 0x0144, + "DEBUG found which should not be found in production code" ) + /* W6004 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_DELTAC_IN_GLYPH_PGM, 0x0145, + "Repeated executions in glyph programs can have unexpected results" ) + /* W6005 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_HI_PT_LESS_THAN_LOW_PT, 0x0146, + "High point is less than low point" ) + /* W6006 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_JMP_OFFSET_ZERO, 0x0147, + "Jump offset zero" ) + /* W6007 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_LOOP_NOT_1_AT_END_OF_PGM, 0x0148, + "Loop variable not 1 at end of program. This means it was set but not used" ) + /* W6008 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_LOOPCALL_COUNT_LESS_THAN_ONE, 0x0149, + "Value for count is less than 1. Function will not be called" ) + /* W6009 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_MPS_ALWAYS_12_ON_WINDOWS, 0x014A, + "Window 95 and Windows 3.1 always return 12" ) + /* W6010 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_PF_VECTORS_AT_OR_NEAR_PERP, 0x014B, + "Projection and freedom vectors at or near perpendicular" ) + /* W6011 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_PT_NOT_TOUCHED, 0x014C, + "Point not touched" ) + /* W6012 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_SANGW_OBSELETE, 0x014D, + "Function no longer needed because of dropped support of AA" ) + /* W6019 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_Need_Newer_FreeType, 0x014E, + "The Freetype version is too old" ) + /* W6020 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_SLOOP, 0x014F, + "Setting the loop variable to negative value" ) + /* W6029 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_SLOOP_ZERO, 0x0150, + "Setting the loop variable to zero is an error" ) + /* W6021 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_ZERO_LEN_FUNC, 0x0151, + "Defining zero-length function" ) + /* W6022 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_ZERO_LEN_UD_INSTR, 0x0152, + "Defining zero-length user-defined instruction" ) + /* W6023 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_InvalidOutline, 0x0153, + "Invalid Outline" ) + /* W6024 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_InvalidArgument, 0x0154, + "Invalid Argument" ) + /* W6025 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_InvalidPixelSize, 0x0155, + "Invalid PixelSize" ) + /* W6026 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_InvalidSizeHandle, 0x0156, + "Invalid Size Handle" ) + /* W6027 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_MAXP_maxComponentDepth_TOO_LOW, 0x0157, + "maxComponentDepth in maxp is too low" ) + /* W6028 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_MAX_NUM_TWILIGHT_POINTS_CLAMP, 0x0158, + "number of twilight points unreasonably large" ) + /* W6030 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_W_FT_ALIGNRP_AFTER_IUP, 0x0159, + "ALIGNRP after IUP in Subpixel-hinting mode" ) + /* I6059 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_I_rasterization, 0x015A, + "Could not perform rasterization" ) + /* I6070 */ + FT_ERRORDEF_( FONTVAL_I_FT_Error_Supplymentary_Info, 0x015B, + "Supplementary Information" ) + + /* */ + /* END */