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small c++ breakage in current freetype git HEAD

From: Hin-Tak Leung
Subject: small c++ breakage in current freetype git HEAD
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 18:12:58 +0000 (UTC)


I have upgraded to fc40 last week, and there has been some breakage of 
skia-python against current skia lately, so I thought I'd update and rebuild 
the skia-enabled ft2-demos, now ported over to github CI against freetype git 
head. (next e-mail). Since skia is c++, requires setting CC=c++. Found a small 
breakage in current freetype git head after 2.13.2 . Diff attached - should be 

The actual error is that "enum" is a proper type in c++, and not equivalent to 
"int" (as in c), so must be casted as such.


Attachment: freetype2.diff
Description: Text Data

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