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Re: Call for FreeType mirrors !!

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: Call for FreeType mirrors !!
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 10:19:41 +0100


  I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions and proposal regarding
  the mirror sites. I think that we welcome wholeheartedly any proposal :-)

  I have registered FreeType on SourceForge & Server51 as US mirrors, as
  well as asked some large FTP sites for inclusion. Meanwhile, we'd be really
  glad to be mirrored on CZ, AU and other countries servers too (the US servers
  may be nice and high-capacity, they still seem slow from Europe, and I guess
  it's probably worse in other parts of the world)..

  Note that I have started re-designing the FTP directory hierachy lately.
  The final one will be:

       contrib/       contributions (ttfdump,FreeType/2,converters..)
       freetype1/     stable releases of FreeType 1.x
       freetype2/     stable (beta) releases of FreeType 2
       unstable/      current snapshots (both archived and diffs against the
                      latest current releases)..

  I have started updating the download pages. New mirrors will be added as soon
  as they are set-up. If you want to be listed, write us, specifying:

     - your FTP mirror address
     - your location (when not obvious from the address)
     - if any, a small-sized logo to be displayed on the download
       (& soon-to-be support) page(s)

  Also tell me how you would like to update your mirror. There are plenty of
  free automatic mirroring tools that you could use (and for your information,
  the "unstable" directory is regenerated every day at about 19:15 GMT).

  For those who need extra-security, the re-generation scripts can be triggered
  to copy files outside of our site through "scp"..

  Again, thanks for all, and please send me your mirror info :-)

- David

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