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[Freetype] Rendering swedish characters in unicode?

From: Albert Sandberg
Subject: [Freetype] Rendering swedish characters in unicode?
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 18:25:19 +0200

I feel like I've tried everything.

My font supports unicode characters, and is set with TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT and TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS as described in the tutorial (step1.html). However, I've tried a lot of different character maps...
When I set the character code, it does not return any errors. My 
application does not report any errors throughout the whole execution.
This is what I'm trying to write (as image link as you might not see the 
swedish characters on your display):

And this is how it ends up:
(the box in the centre)

Anyone experienced this and knows how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.
Albert Sandberg
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