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Re: [Freetype] WINFONTS support

From: Vadim Plessky
Subject: Re: [Freetype] WINFONTS support
Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 23:43:15 +0400
User-agent: KMail/1.5

On Saturday 17 May 2003 23:13, Vadim Plessky wrote:
|  On Tuesday 13 May 2003 21:05, Thomas Charbonnel wrote:
|  |  Hi,
|  |
|  |  I'm in the process of migrating a Windows NT TCP/IP client server db
|  |  application to Linux using Wine. One of the problems I encounter is
|  | that the client application seems to be very old and relies on a .FON
|  | special font to draw custom windows and tables in text mode. To cope
|  | with this I'm considering adding .FON support to wine through FreeType
|  | (as suggested on the wine-devel mailing list, FreeType supporting the
|  | .FON format). I wrote
|  Hi Thomas!
|  As you are going to hack WINE anyway, what about such solution for your
|  problem:
|  1) load .FON file into PfaEdit (
|  2) export it to BDF or TTF with Embedded bitmaps (File->Generate Fonts)
|  3) hack WINE to support TTF font with embedded bitmaps (or BDF), if such
|  support is not there yet.
|  Than you would have much more reliable solution working smoothly on Linux
|  (*NIX, *BSD).
|  I just tried such scenario (import FON, export BDF) with 8514oem.fon from
| my Windows 98 - it works!
|  (and that  8514oem.fon is dated by 1987, BTW! )
|  My ftview (2.1.4) has some problems to diaply .FON files, though.
|  Both original 8514oem.fon and produced by PfaEdit 'Fixedsys.fon' look like
|  corrupted (as I said above, BDF displays fine).
|  I have better success with seriff.fon (MS Serif).
|  At least one size of TTF file with embedded bitmaps was rendered fine with
|  ftview.

You should be careful with default dpi setting for ftview.
Fixed.ttf (produced out of 8514oem.fon) has been rendered fine with command:
#ftview -r 72 20 Fixedsys.ttf


Best Regards,

Vadim Plessky
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