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Re: [ft] optimize executable size

From: Henk Jan Priester
Subject: Re: [ft] optimize executable size
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:46:00 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080421)

François Xavier Gendrin wrote:
Henk Jan Priester a écrit :
François Xavier Gendrin wrote:

Anyone have already try to remove all unnecessary freetype code for
following action :
- read a ttf font file
- read a glyph
- read the glyph bitmap array

Note : I already remove modules from Jam file, and I'm trying to
delete all function from .c file, but it is long ...

You can edit 'modules.cfg' and disable the modules/extensions
and recompile the lib.
For example if you only want to read ttf fonts you
can disable type1/type42/bdf etc.
I already do it in Jamfile
The only thing that I didn't yet change is cc compilation optimisation
size, but I don't know where to set it in Jamfile

I don't use the Jamfile but maybe when using 'CCFLAGS=-Os' it
will result in a bit smaller lib. Also you can strip your
executable using the strip command.

Anyway your library is already less in size then 2.3.7 compiled
with all modules on Linux/i386 (550kb).

Henk Jan

Best regards,

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