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Re: [ft] Re: Few typefaces are not loading

From: Noorul Sahabudeen
Subject: Re: [ft] Re: Few typefaces are not loading
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:05:22 +0530
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

I am not getting what is ftdump. Can you send some link or something for me to understand , what i should do exactly?
address@hidden wrote:
FreeType2 supports TTC format either.
Please execute ftdump to the font file and
report the result.


On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:48:53 +0530
Noorul Sahabudeen <address@hidden> wrote:

I am really sorry. I thought, as Cambria is designed by Microsoft it should definitely work in windows. But why the files packaged as .ttc is not loading?. Does Freetype2 loads only .ttf and .otf?
address@hidden wrote:
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 17:00:11 +0200
Adam Twardoch <address@hidden> wrote:

   Some fonts designed by Microsoft itself not working like Cambria
I'm not sure what you mean, sorry.
Cambria is also packaged as .ttc as it has two fonts: "Cambria" and
"Cambria Math" in it.
Thanks. Is it bundled to Windows Vista?



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