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Re: [ft] Outline decomposition of composed glyph

From: Infro
Subject: Re: [ft] Outline decomposition of composed glyph
Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 12:36:28 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120428 Thunderbird/12.0.1

On 5/11/2012 7:39 AM, ANTONCZYK Maxence wrote:

I want to render a glyph "e with circumflex" with freetype outline.

In Windows 7, Arial font is Opentype Font and this glyph is composed with 3 outlines, which are references of other glyph, 2 outlines in the same "glyph cell [e]" and 1 in an other "glyph cell [^]".

When I use FT_Outline_Decompose in order to draw "e with circumflex", in Windows 7 circumflex is left border aligned.

Did I forget something in order to get circumflex centered over glyph "e"?

Thanks for your replies.

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F-71000 Chalon sur SaƓne

Freetype mailing list

I'm completely uncertain, but you are probably wanting to draw "e with circumflex" instead of "e" and then adding a circumflex/hat. Normally hex code 0x88.

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