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Re: [ft] Problem of oblique using FT_Outline_Transform

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft] Problem of oblique using FT_Outline_Transform
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 06:56:24 +0200 (CEST)

> Indeed the bearing is incorrect.
> I've compared my machine's arial.ttf with ariali.ttf, the result is
> ariali.ttf has a "v" that has 3 more pixels of left bearing than
> arial.ttf ( both at pt size 42, dpi 78 ). It could be due to
> ariali.ttf is a manually corrected "true italic" font.

I don't mean that.  Look at this unslanted ASCII graphic:

      |  +--------+  |\            /|+------------+|
      | /          \ | \          / ||            ||
      |/            \|  \        /  ||            ||
      ||            ||   \      /   |+------------+|
      |\            /|    \    /    ||             |
      | \          / |     \  /     ||             |
      |  +--------+  |      \/      |+------------+|

This is correctly slanted:

             /   +-------+  /|            //+------------+/
            /  /         | / |          / //            //
           / /           |/  |        /  //            //
          //            //   |      /   /+------------+/
         / |          / /    |    /    //             /
        /  |        /  /     |  /     //             /
       /   +------+   /      |/      /+------------+/

And this is what obviously you are doing:

          |      +-------+||            /|      +------------+|
          |    /         |||          /  |     /            / |
          |  /           |||        /    |    /            /  |
          |/            / ||      /      |   +------------+   |
          ||          /   ||    /        |  /                 |
          ||        /     ||  /          | /                  |
          |+------+       ||/            |+------------+      |

Even thes poor ASCII graphics immediately show that your code must be
flawed: In your image, the `v' is too far to the left, and the `e' is
too far to the right.


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