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Re: [ft] Text outline rendering

From: Yves Daoust
Subject: Re: [ft] Text outline rendering
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 12:03:04 +0200




Thank you for the quick answer.


FT_Outline_Decompose seems to be exactly what I need. Actually, I deal with the FXG file format, a close relative to SVG. But I do process the curves before saving them.


Now I assume I have to code the generation of the outlines from the given string. There are the issues of spacing, alignment, ASCII code to glyph number... Is that also built-in ?


If your code shows how to accomplish that, for sure I’d be glad to look at it.




-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of suzuki toshiya
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 11:28 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [ft] Text outline rendering


Hi Yves,


To retrieve the vector data from TTF via FreeType2, FT_Outline_Decompose() function would be useful. Giving a function pointer table calling the functions to move currentpoint, or to draw straight, cubic or conic curves,


calls them to trace the vector data in the "outline" member in glyph slot.


I've ever written a small sample making SVG by calling FT_Outline_Decompose().

If you want, I will send it.





On 06/18/2013 06:05 PM, Yves Daoust wrote:

>                  Hi All,


> I am new to FreeType.


> I am involved in a project where text needs to be rendered in vector form. I mean I have text strings, font information (TTF), possible geometric transforms, and I need to generate the corresponding outlines in vector form (sequences of Bezier arcs, so just lists of control point coordinates; I don’t need the rendered bitmap).


> After a first search in the documentation, I am convinced that all the required machinery is there but I want to be sure this is feasible. If yes, where can I start ?


> Regards,


>                  Yves Daoust




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