> Actually, I found that the freetype library can be quickly built for
> visual studio by doing the following: [...]
Very good.
> So, rather than you showing how to compile for x64, I think it more
> fitting that you assist users in the future;
hosting the directions
> on the website as well as placing a win64 folder in there by going
> about the business of naming the target folders for 64 all proper
> and the like would be suitable. Then, for any future zip file
> releases, you can offer users a quick way to include the lib file!
Can you help, this is, provide a patch or a zip file with the
necessary data? No FreeType core developer is a Windows user.
Ideally, I would like to have a directory `builds/win64' which
contains a ready-to-run project file for a fitting compilation
environment so that your described actions are reduced to an absolute
minimum (additional steps should be mentioned in the corresponding
`index.html' file).