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Re: [ft] Fw: Could you help me for debugging FreeType library?
From: |
suzuki toshiya |
Subject: |
Re: [ft] Fw: Could you help me for debugging FreeType library? |
Date: |
Fri, 3 May 2019 08:28:16 +0000 |
BTW, recent macOS does not ship gdb as a part of their SDK anymore,
and it seems that they have switched to lldb. are you using gdb?
suzuki toshiya wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that cmake experts have left FreeType, so I try to respond
> you although I'm not an expert.
> The shortest response would be: "CMakeLists.txt of FreeType does not
> support Debug build, so your attempt would not work". Nothing to say,
> the maintainers would welcome the proposal of patch, could you draft
> something?
> --
> following is longer response.
> My first question is: cmake has any predefined compiler flag set for
> CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG? By brief checking of cmake manual, it seems that
> the effect of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" is only the reflection of the
> CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG option in the compilation. I cannot find any
> predefined set of CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG from the manual, and in my
> experiment on macOS, no typical debug options like "-g" is given to.
> I'm afraid default value of CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG is empty, so, nothing
> special happened (please try "make VERBOSE=1" to check the commands
> are being issued).
> In my impression, expecting "I set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug, so the
> softwares should be built for debug mode" is something like a person
> wondering as "I changed the suffix of teacup.txt from txt to jpg, so
> I get teacup.jpg, but my browser does not show the picture of teacup.
> why?". In the package of the softwares whose CMakeLists.txt is ready
> for debug build, -DCMAK_BUILD_TYPE=Debug might work, but FT is not such.
> Regards,
> mpsuzuki
> Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> Please help this guy.
>> Werner
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Hi Werner Lemberg:
>> I am work focus rendering 2d text ,so I want to study your Project
>> "FreeType",
>> so I write a program ,use it to test "FreeType".
>> First of all,I git sources of FreeType,compile it to libfreetype.dylib on
>> MacOS use Cmake:
>> I modified CMakeLists.txt of FreeType and add a line :
>> then use cmake compile,
>> ---------------?
>> mkdir build
>> cd build
>> cmake -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=true ..
>> make
>> sudo make install?
>> ---------------
>> Second I write a test program on MacOS.
>> But I can't use gdb by command line to debugging into libfreetype.dylib!
>> Can you help me ?
>> Thans a lot.
>> Best regards.
>> 韩忠涛
>> 终端网络部 大播放内核
>> 爱奇艺公司 iQIYI, Inc.
>> 地址:北京市海淀区中关村大街甲1号鼎好电子大厦A座9层
>> 邮编:100080
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>> address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>
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