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Re: FT Cache Subsystem: Custom caches

From: takase1121
Subject: Re: FT Cache Subsystem: Custom caches
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 04:41:59 +0000

Hi, sorry for the confusion; I think its better if I explain my current 
approach first:

1. I create a FTC_Manager, FTC_CMapCache and FTC_ImageCache, and set them up.
2. I query a glyph ID from FTC_CMapCache.
3. I get a glyph image (almost always an outline in my case) from 
4. I copy the FT_Glyph and perform translation and other transformation on it.
5. I rasterize the transformed FT_Glyph.
6. I use the rasterized bitmap.

I wasn't able to cache the rasterized glyph because FTC_SBitCache doesn't 
support transformations.

I am looking to do one of these things:

1. Being able to apply transformations in FTC_SBitCache.

The main reason I can't use FTC_SBitCache is that I need to modify the outline. 
I need to translate it for subpixel positioning, italicize, embolden and apply 
other transformations before rasterizing. I think this is a niche use case, so 
I'm not fully expecting the cache subsystem to support this.

2. Being able to extend / implement my own cache types.

Alternatively, I want to be able to implement a custom cache type, based on 
FTC_Manager. Based on the draft document in the previous email, this was 
possible, but didn't make it to release. This new cache would behave like 
FTC_SBitCache, but supports the various operations I need to do on the glyph 
outlines before rendering.

I hope this clears things up. I was looking for ways to avoid rolling my own 
cache if possible. Thanks.


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