\documentclass{article} \usepackage{xltxtra} %\setmainfont{Linux Libertine} \setmainfont{WilhelmKlingsporGotLTStd} %\setmainfont{DS-Normal-Fraktur} \newfontfamily\FrungeTextura[ExternalLocation]{GeoMonoRe.ttf} \newcommand{\textTextura}[1]{{\FrungeTextura{}#1}} \usepackage{tikz} \newcommand{\textrgba}[2]{{\addfontfeature{Color=#1}#2}} \newcommand{\leftupc}[4]{\kern-#1em\raisebox{#2ex}{\textrgba{#3}{#4}}} \newcommand\FrUnGeiColored{% \leftupc{.00}{+.0}{FF000099}{F} \leftupc{.30}{-.8}{0000FF99}{r} \leftupc{.55}{+.4}{DDBB2299}{U} \leftupc{.45}{+.0}{00BB3399}{n} \leftupc{.45}{-.2}{8822BB99}{G} \leftupc{.40}{+.8}{0000FF99}{e}} \newcommand\FrUnGeFonts{\FrUnGeiColored \leftupc{.00}{+.0}{FF000099}{F} \leftupc{.30}{-.8}{0000FF99}{o} \leftupc{.45}{+.4}{DDBB2299}{n} \leftupc{.25}{+.0}{00BB3399}{t} \leftupc{.25}{-.2}{8822BB99}{s}} \begin{document} {\fontsize{30}{36}\selectfont\FrUnGeiColored{} oder \FrUnGeFonts}  da \FrUnGeiColored\ einfach Super\FrUnGeiColored{}lig ist! Dies ist normaler Fließtext, {\FrungeTextura doch dies ist Martins Textura.} Wieder Fließtext & doch Hurra, die \textTextura{Textura} ist wieder da! \FrUnGeiColored\ sieht allerdings vielleicht etwas zu »vergooglet« aus & {\tikz \node[scale=2, opacity=0.65] {\FrUnGeiColored\ vs.\ {\FrungeTextura\FrUnGeiColored}};} \begin{tikzpicture} \fontsize{30}{28}\selectfont \fill[pink] (0,0) ellipse (1.7 and 1.3); \draw node at (0,-0.2) {\FrUnGeiColored}; \end{tikzpicture} % \begin{tikzpicture} \fontsize{30}{28}\selectfont \fill[red] (-1,0) circle (1.5); \fill[blue, fill opacity=0.5] (+1,0) circle (1.5); \draw[green, opacity=0.35, scale=2] node at (-1,0) {F} node at (+1,0) {G}; \node at (0,0) {FrUnGe}; \draw[blue] node at (0.04,-0.04) {\textbf{FrUnGe}}; \draw node at (0.35,-1) {\fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont Frei \& Gebrochen}; \end{tikzpicture} % \def\nodeshadowed[#1]#2;{ \node[scale=2,above,#1]{#2};\node[xslant=-0.4,scale=2, above, yscale=-1, scope fading=south,opacity=0.4,#1]{#2};} % \begin{tikzpicture} \nodeshadowed [at={(0,0)},yslant=0.05] {\FrUnGeiColored}; \end{tikzpicture} % \clearpage % \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \foreach \x in {-5,-2,...,5} { \foreach \y in {-3,-2,...,3} { \node[text=blue!30] at (\x, \y) {\x{}:\y}; } } \foreach \y in {-3,-2,...,3} { \node[text=blue] at (6, \y) {\pgfmathsetbasenumberlength{4}\pgfmathparse{Hex(110-\y)}0x\pgfmathresult=\char"\pgfmathresult}; } \foreach \n in {1,...,50} { \pgfmathrandominteger{\s}{16}{48} \pgfmathrandominteger{\c}{20}{80} \node[text=black!\c] at (5.0*rand,3.0*rand) {\pgfmathsetbasenumberlength{4}\pgfmathparse{Hex(random(97,112))}\fontsize{\s}{\s}\selectfont\char"\pgfmathresult}; } \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Hinabregnende Texttura-Buchstaben  ein denkbarer Effekt für die Titelseite (analog zu den TikZ-Schneeflocken)?} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[text=pink] node {\fontsize{160}{160}\selectfont{}Fr}; \clip[draw] (0,0) circle (3); \foreach \n in {1,...,400} { \pgfmathrandominteger{\s}{16}{48} \pgfmathrandominteger{\c}{20}{80} \node[text=black!\c] at (5.0*rand,3.0*rand) {\pgfmathsetbasenumberlength{4}\pgfmathparse{Hex(random(97,112))}\fontsize{\s}{\s}\selectfont\char"\pgfmathresult}; } \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Hinabregnende Buchstaben mit einem Clip kombinieren?} \end{figure} \usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees} \def\nodemirror[#1]#2;{\node[#1]{#2};\node[above, xslant=-0.2, yscale=-1, scope fading=south,opacity=0.4,#1]{#2};} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7,transform shape] \fill[color=pink] (-8,-5) rectangle (8,5); \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white] node[concept] (root) {} [clockwise from=0] child[concept] { node[concept] {\Large Blackletter} [clockwise from=25] child { node[concept] {Fraktur} } child { node[concept] {\Large\textTextura{Textura}} } child { node[concept] {Sütterlin} } } child[concept] { node[concept] {Unicode\\features like ligatures} } child[concept] { node[concept] {\Large Cool} } child[concept color=black!80!green] {%green!30!black] { node[concept] {free software  the freedom &} [counterclockwise from=75] child { node[concept] {to use it} } child { node[concept] {to study it} } child { node[concept] {to improve it} } child { node[concept] {to distribute it} } }; \nodemirror[yslant=0.05, xshift=-0.35em, scale=2.4, at=(root.center)] {\FrUnGeFonts}; %\nodemirror[yslant=0.05, xshift=-0.35em, scale=2.4, at=(root.center), text=white] {\FrUnGeFonts}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Ein kleines Mindmap mit ziemlich verspielter Wurzel; Spiegelungen sehen immer gleich so Web 2.0 ig aus} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=.7,transform shape,mindmap,text=white,concept color=black, every node/.style={concept}, level 1 concept/.append style={sibling angle=45,font=\small}, level 2 concept/.append style={sibling angle=40,font=\tiny}] \fill[color=black] (0,0) circle (8); \node (root) {\LARGE\FrUnGeFonts} [clockwise from=0] child[concept color=green!50!black] { node at (90:2) {Location} [clockwise from=90] child { node {Global Sourcing} } child { node {Offshore Sourcing} } child { node {Farshore Sourcing} } child { node {Nearshore Sourcing} } child { node {Onshore Sourcing} } child { node {Onsite Sourcing} } } child[concept color=yellow] { node {Number of Sourcing Partners} [clockwise from=0] child { node {Single Sourcing} } child { node {Double Sourcing} } child { node {Multi Sourcing} } } child[concept color=brown] { node {Time-Scale Aspects} [clockwise from=-45] child { node {Insourcing} } child { node {Outsourcing} } child { node {Backsourcing} } } child[concept color=orange] { node {Strategical Aspects} [clockwise from=-90] child { node {Co-Sourcing} } child { node {Transitional Outsourcing} } child { node {Transforma\-tional Out\-sourcing} } child { node {Value-added Outsourcing} } } child[concept color=red] { node {Degree of external performance sourcing} [clockwise from=200] child { node {Total Outsourcing} } child { node {Smart Outsourcing, Outtasking} } child { node {Total Insourcing} } } child[concept color=blue] { node {Financial Dependencies} [clockwise from=150] child { node {Captive Outsourcing} } child { node {Joint Venture} } child { node {External Outsourcing} } } child[concept color=pink] { node {Degree of Business Orientation} [clockwise from=90] child { node {Infrastruc\-ture Out\-sourcing} } child { node {Application Outsourcing} } child { node {Business Process Outsourcing} } child { node {Knowledge Process Outsourcing} } }; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Ein größeres Mindmap  eine denkbare Variante der Titelseite?} \end{figure} \end{document}