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[Fsfe-france-pr] PRince Award Festival 2004

From: julia . mata
Subject: [Fsfe-france-pr] PRince Award Festival 2004
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 11:05:05 +0200

PRince Award 2004
 International Public Relations Film, Video and Multimedia Festival

Dear Colleagues,

 As we ?  the organizers of the PRince Award 2004 ? Film, Video and Multimedia
Festival - realized the public relations and communications industry has not had
enough opportunity to show their works and their knowledge in the past neither
to compete with them in the eye of internationally well known professionals.
   However, we are sure, that in past few years some good films, videos, and
multimedia presentations were born.
 Therefore we would like to invite you and your collegues to a competition,
pr-films, videos and multimedia presentations and the new public relations
tools, like ePR - the web PR, the net PR and the on-line PR tools, as well.

   The capital of Hungary, Budapest will be the host of this year on the 1st of
October 2004 of the 4th PRince Award International Public Relations Film, Video
and Multimedia Festival with the support of  the IPRA, the International Public
Relations Association, the CERP, the European Public Relations Confederation,
the CERP Europartners, the Association of the European Public Relations
Professionals, the ICCO, International Communications Consultants Organization,
the IPR UK, the Institute of the Public Relations United Kingdom, the Global
Alliance and the EDPR Endowment for the Development of Public Relations.

 Nominations of five continents are expected to this prestigious event.

 The best public relations films, videos and multimedia works will compete in
nine categories.
 As all we?ve experienced in the past few years the internet and multimedia
technology has grown in an incredible manner and the Public Relations usage of
these new technological tools has became a very important part of our
profession. Our Festival will ensure opportunity for them to introduce their
works in every category.
 Our goal is to offer a true international public relations competition and also
offers the beauties of Budapest, the capitol of the new EU member, Hungary.

 The Award presentation will be proceeded by an extraordinary international
conference, where the topics will focus on the most current public relations
matters and the star guests will be - besides many others - the most funny and
most sad spots of our times and the most surprising solutions of the creative

  We would like to call your attention to the deadline of the next Festival
which is 13. August 2004.

    We would like to give all the support regarding the entries and
participation on this event, also by helping the professionals to visit Hungary
with special accommodations possibilities.

 I f you have  any  question, please visit the Festival official website,
http://www.princeaward.hu/en  (The sub-website of the Organizing Committee:
http://princeaward.uw.hu ) or send an e-mail to the Festival organizers,
address@hidden , or call directly the Festival Director Mr. Sándor
Farkas +36-1-887-8242, (address@hidden), or contact the Festival
Organizing Committee: address@hidden

We hope to meet you as a festival participant in Budapest at the 4th Prince
Award Public Relations Film, Video & Multimedia Festival.

   Best regards,

 The organizers of the PRince Award Festival

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