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Subject: |
[APRIL] Association nationale pour le logiciel libre au Portugal : ANSOL |
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Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:26:59 +0200 |
La création de l'Association Nationale pour le Logiciel Libre (em Portugais :
"Associação Nacional para o Software Livre"), ANSOL, a été officialisée
le vendredi 12 octobre 2001 durant l'évènement "Porto - Cidade Tecnologica"
qui s'est déroulé à Porto, au Portugal ;-).
Cette association est une association à but non lucratif qui a pour but, tout
l'APRIL, la promotion, le développement, la recherche et l'étude de
Libre et de ses implications socio-politiques, culturelles et technologiques.
Sa création a été faite en collaboration avec des membres de la FSF, de la FSF
et de l'APRIL. L'APRIL est en effet un Modèle pour l'ANSOL.
Voici le lien vers la news que j'avais postée sur LinuxFR (et aussi sur cette
ML) au sujet
de l'évènement :
et le lien en anglais vers l'ANSOL :
http://www.ansol.org/ansol.en.html (soyez indulgents sur le look, la charte
est en cours de conception ;) )
A + ;-)
PS :
Ci-dessous l'annonce officielle de Jaime Villate :
Public announcement of the creation of ANSOL
Jaime E. Villate
The creation of the "[1]National Association for Free Software" (in
Portuguese: "Associação Nacional para o Software Livre"), ANSOL, was
made on Friday October 12th, at 2001's edition of [2]Oporto,
Technological City, in the northern Portuguese city of Oporto. The
announcement was made by a group of free software advocates who have
been working during the last months towards the participation of
Portugal in the recently created [3]Free Software Foundation Europe.
The association will be a non-profit organization committed to the
promotion, development, research and study of Computing Freedom and
its socio-political, cultural and technological implications. A [4]Web
site for the association has been created, and a first draft of its
[5]bylaws has been written. The initiative has awakened the interest
of free software enthusiasts in Portugal, who are discussing in the
[6]association's mailing list the schedule for the first General
Assembly at which the governing boards will be elected.
[7]Oporto, Technological City is a Free Software event opened to the
public, sponsored and organized by Oporto's City Hall and the School
of Engineering of the University of Oporto. It was started last year
by Raul Oliveira, Jaime Villate and Nuno Faria, who are also among the
group involved in the creation of ANSOL. This year the event consisted
of an exhibition by Institutions and Companies that develop and work
with Free Software, a GNU/Linux Installation Party and a series of
lectures (more photos available at [8]this site); among the special
guests invited to deliver lectures were Bradley Kuhn, vice-president
of the Free Software Foundation, Loïc Dachary, vice-president of the
Free Software Foundation Europe, and Alberto Martins, the Portuguese
Minister of State Reform and Public Administration. The event was also
attended, among many other local public figures, by the Mayor of
Oporto, Nuno Cardoso (whose office undertook the organization of the
event) and the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, Mariano
Gago, who gave a press conference at the event.
The event was also a good opportunity for the founding members of the
association to meet and exchange ideas with the vice-presidents of the
Free Software Foundation and the Free Software Foundation Europe.
1. http://www.ansol.org/ansol.en.html
2. http://www.cidadetecnologica.org/
3. http://www.fsfeurope.org/
4. http://www.ansol.org/ansol.en.html
5. http://www.ansol.org/docs/estatutos.en.html
6. http://listas.ansol.org/mailman/listinfo/ansol-geral
7. http://www.cidadetecnologica.org/
8. http://reinolinux.fe.up.pt/fpct/
ANSOL's member, Miguel Gonçalves, being interviewed for Portuguese
National Television.
The vice-president of FSF-Europe, Loïc Dachary, speaks about Free
Software organizations throughout the world, at "Oporto,
Technological City".
The Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology and the Mayor of
Oporto (center) visit the event with some officers from the School
of Engineering of the Univ. of Oporto, escorted by organizers Jaime
Villate and Raul Oliveira (left).
The vice-president of the FSF, Bradley Kuhn, and some members of
ANSOL at the FSF booth.
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