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[Fsfe-france] GNUPG and DCSSI

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: [Fsfe-france] GNUPG and DCSSI
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:57:55 +0200


        I'm filling the form to ask for authorisation to use and
distribute GnuPG in France. Your called was heard, at last ;-) We are
currently lucky enough to benefit from the help of someone skilled in
these matters. She won't be available after end of may, therefore I'm
trying to rush things.  My primary goal is to write down enough
information related to the declaration process so that people can
easily (sort of ;-) do the same for other software or future versions
of GnuPG. GnuPG is a pretty good test case to make sure the information
is accurate and useful.

        You'll find the information page I'm currently writing at 
        and the form related to GnuPG at

        I need your help to fill the following accurately:

          <h5> C.5. Cryptology Services provided</h5>
        <p>[X] Authentification 
          (*) : ....................  </p>
        <p> [ ] Access control (*) : ....................  </p>
        <p> [X] Signature 
          (*) : ....................  </p>
        <p> [X] Integrity
          (*) : ....................  </p>
        <p> [X] Confidentiality 
          (*) : ....................  </p>

        (*) name all the algorithms implemented

        I assumed that 'Access control' is not among the services provided
by GnuPG but I may be wrong. What is required is a list of algorithm for
each service. Could you please fill this ?

        Thanks in advance,

Loic   Dachary         http://www.dachary.org/  address@hidden
12 bd  Magenta         http://www.senga.org/      address@hidden
75010    Paris         T: 33 1 42 45 07 97          address@hidden
        GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

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