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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Proposed constitution for a UA

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Proposed constitution for a UA
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 00:04:13 +0000

> > Democracy should encourage the first of these and the presence of a
> > democratic mandate should encourage others to listen to the views expressed
> > by AFFS.
>  That's not a pb. If committee is not too authoritative but takes
>  the right decision after asking advices from members, where is the pb?

I, too, hope that the committee acts in that way, but I feel that we must
build in the basic safety checks to prevent it becoming a closed group that
just wants to take the member money.

>   I'd prefer to write 2 (3 if you want) and to let people 
>   of committee decide to meet eachother more than 3 times.
>   You can write "but we encourage committee to meet more than 3".

OK, I'll drop it to 3, but they really should meet more than that.  I think
there's a tendency in these cases to only do the bare minimum.  I speak from
bitter experience with other associations, societies, etc.

> > >  There is no section about ceasing of membership.
> > Section 4, clause 4, part ii.
>   clause 4, section e, part 2.
>   I had misunderstood that part. 

I had misnumbered it.

> > We have to minimise deviations from the approved form.  Such things are not
> > important as long as the wording is accurate.
>  As all numbers (1, a, i) were beginning at the same location, I
>  was a little confused. Presentation is less important than 
>  wording but it helps comprehension.
>  But I agree: we have lots of work to do before changing that.

I'll tidy it up for the printed copy I hope to produce now.

> > Can you rephrase it?


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