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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Woo, Linux!

From: Alistair Davidson
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Woo, Linux!
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 01:22:15 +0000

MJ Ray wrote:
> Alistair Davidson wrote:
> > [...] I'm planning to keep windows, but just for games.
> Well, a recent Brave GNU World mag listed quite a few games for GNU/Linux.
> Productivity damage without loss of freedom!

Hehehe, I'm involved in the development of one myself! ;)

For some areas of gaming, Linux is easily up to speed with windows.
There are a lot of arcade games, and some very high quality RPGs
(nethack! :)... it's not quite there yet with first-person shooters or
strategy though (FreeCiv just plain isn't as good as Civilization 2 or
3). However, as with most areas where it lags behing, Linux is catching
up fast. The main problem, finding people to draw pretty pictures, seems
to be disappearing as the userbase increases.

Alistair Davidson

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