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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Just a Minute

From: Alex Hudson
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Just a Minute
Date: 16 Apr 2002 06:55:19 +0100

On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 04:44, Nick Mailer wrote:
> Perhaps this all needs to be stated as a set of simple syllogisms? Or
> maybe just an old fashioned logic train. People seem to be making a
> meal out of something that seems to me simply to be an incorrigibly
> valid and true argument.

This appears to still be a non-argument. 

Nobody has said that AFFS should ignore wider, possibly non-software
related issues. What is the case is that AFFS will ignore any issues
which have no impact on Free Software. If you're still unsure what this
means, please feel free to e-mail me personally rather than continue
this on-list. 

I also don't really see what you have against bureaucracy, either, if
that's what you prefer to call it. The current people active in AFFS are
spread all over the country, are involved in vastly different personal
projects, and have a range of concerns (the overriding one here, of
course, being the continued development of Free Software). For us to not
form lists of jobs, to meet and take minutes, etc., how are we to
co-ordinate? How can action be taken nationwide in an organised fashion?
Like it or not, the world needs managers and co-ordinators. AFFS is not
about pushing people to GNU/Linux install days (although we would
support people doing that), it's more about large-scale action - action
that requires co-ordination and mass participation to succeed. People
Who Do Stuff, but doing it together.



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